Social Media discussion

So what are the chances of twitter going the way of myspace, or are they “too big to fail”?

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They have a $13B time bomb on their balance sheet. Just think of the productivity gains throughout the world if they went into a smoking hole.


The other mods convinced me that this was a term of endearment for those that run social media sites…….I am starting to think otherwise.

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Not gonna lie, I said worse about you yesterday when the site went down and I was looking for a stream for the Derby game

And so it begins…


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That´s a quite positive change of the new rules tbf.


Yep, that pretty much sums it up

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No wonder that the advertisers are all jumping out now…it wasn’t that smart to change the verification.

All the corporations that Elon Musk desperately needs to make Twitter more profitable will “love” it. :rofl:

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Elon Musk is what I would think about when trying not to come.

Sorry mods, I’m in Australia and they all talk like that :flushed:

The best laid plans of Mice and Musk…

This thread

this !

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It´s definitely worth to stay on twitter just to watch the show imo.


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