Look at this thing we do! It’s silly when you think about it! Why do we do that? We all do it don’t we! I do it. I do the thing that’s silly! Why don’t I do something else that isn’t silly? But never do! You there, in the front row. You do the silly thing we all do, don’t you? Don’t shake you head, you do. Of course you, we all do. What is that all about?
I think this was a case of quoting out of context. The joke was actually on the people who laughed at the original quip and in the show he makes this entirely clear. That’s not what was reported. I think he made the point of the difference between what goes on between a comedian and a paying audience and someone shouting though your letterbox first thing in the morning which is what the tabloid press does.
I was once taken along to a Lenny Henry show at the Edinburgh Festival. I didn’t really expect much but he was hilarious. It was all stories about him growing up in the midlands so it was all relatable stuff. His TV sketch show was rather hit and miss but he knows how to work a live audience.
And that’s comedy for you. Everyone’s tastes differ. Never seen Romesh live, seen some of his stand ups online and think he’s pretty good.
Stand ups that become TV show hosts tend to be different on stage compared to on the telly - Jimmy Carr, RIcky G, Gregg Davies, Frankie B a few examples that spring to mind that I’ve seen live and enjoyed.
Went to see Jimmy Carr a few years ago and clearly the lady sat next to me had not heard of JC before - spent the first half tutting, whilst her husband (sat one along from her) tried to stifle laughs so as not to piss her off more, they left at the break.
As for comics making jokes of things that might offend - a minefield out there as someone’s always going to be offended. People need to lighten up.
I still watch Mike Reid on Youtube he is my favourite - saw him a few time as well. So funny. Back in the day when it was jokes and not observations.
Like, When me and the wife first got together we went dancing. She said you smell nice what you got on? i said ive got a hard on but i didnt know you could smell it.
Did you hear about the man who invented the self lubricating pussy? He took it home and gave it to his wife. She said what am I meant to do with that? He said teach it to cook and fuck off…
I also loved Richard Digence as a kid. Still watch him on Youtube. Harmless fun.
Went to see James Acaster last night. Outstanding. Couple of drunk lads giving him abuse and he absolutely destroyed them. Didn’t abuse them back but just so clever in his responses. Tears were tripping the entire audience