Count yourself lucky. I got baited & switched and ended up getting @SBYM nudes instead!
I almost couldn’t have a wank that night
Count yourself lucky. I got baited & switched and ended up getting @SBYM nudes instead!
I almost couldn’t have a wank that night
I would pay for an Aussie free version. They do make the place so messy.
So you would pay to have yourself banned?
I have infiltrated your society with the intention of introducing civility and good manners.
It may take a while.
It’s a long term project. SBYM is clearly a hopeless case, but GK is a pretty reasonable bloke until the subject turns to cricket. Then he becomes a raging lunatic.
You might just go native.
I see why you moved to Sydney and sorry that you’ll never get to enjoy Adelaide where, it is rumoured, absolutely no one boasts of their ‘free settler’ heritage.
Hey Guys,
Bit of an update. 1,000,000 posts have now been liked 27,400,000 pages have been viewed from logged in users have visited the site !
From a community of just 632 people (approx. half posting in the last 30 days) thats pretty amazing.
However I need a bit of help with the costs.
Currently the site is down to £25.58 per month contributions. I am effectively matching that contribution to keep the servers going.
It would be amazing if we could get half a dozen posters contributing a couple of quid. Help us become a bit more self sufficient.
If you feeling generous you can subscribe here
It certainly doesn’t feel like 300-odd people post here. It’s always the same old handful of regulars.
I’ve not got much to spare at the moment but I’ve increased my contribution. Still not much in the grand scheme of things, but I hope it helps.
Thanks as always to you and the rest of the team for keeping this community going.
Happy to support, i did think it didn’t work before so forgot about it.
reaction for the gif…love it.
Done. Meant to yonks ago…but am totally shit with life admin like that.
What @redfanman said.
Big hugs to the TAN team for all you do.
It is better certain posters are busy here than being out on the streets.
Thats mostly alrightnow.
But message heard , I’ll chip in soon with my two paise
Seeing all this money now flow in, I can go and cut my contribution back down!
Billionaire owners and yet does not bother to put in a few quid for this forum.
Thank you so much guys !!
You saved me from starting an only fans page !
Really appropriate all the support from the community !
Patreon cancelled.
(Let me know when the OF page goes live… )