TAN Greatest: Invention. Currently experiencing technical issues

a disproportionate statue against a painting my granny had above her fire place,

basic ancient cave paintings against a clay army built by slaves
(mind the furough about the man made structues)

weird art by Picasso against a smirking bird,

the beauty of the renaissance art

decisions decisons…

Weird art by Picasso?!

Chicago Bulls What GIF by NBA

Hey don’t give up so easily. You still have these.


I’m leaning towards the ocean scene but they’re both pretty good to be fair

Agree with you, just a small nugget of insight into the wonderful mind of the artist. You might not have realized that the 3 birds in the first picture are the exact same 3 birds in the 2nd picture. But because of the stronger sunlight hitting on the 3 birds in the first picture, they came out in a lighter shade. And naturally, the shit looks lighter too. Just some abstract interpretation that will blow your mind.


I’d rather vote for an ancient wall painting than the view from the Man Shitty car park.

The quarter finals have now closed; there was one tie and my deciding vote, after much deliberation, went to Guernica. La Gioconda is arguably the most famous painting in the world but, at the end of the day, it’s just a portrait.

The semi finals are as follows:

  • The Sistine Chapel- Michelangelo
  • Guernica- Picasso

0 voters

  • Lascaux Cave Paintings- Unknown
  • Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge- Monet

0 voters

Voting will close at the usual time next Friday… with the normal caveat. :beers:

Well, this is going to be straightforward now La Gioconda has been eliminated.

Monet has nothing on cave paintings! :joy:

painting rampagning mammoths is way more difficult than a boring old flower

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The semi finals have now closed.

The final will be open until the same time next Friday.

  • Lascaux Cave Paintings- Unknown
  • The Sistine Chapel- Michelangelo

0 voters

Ouch, what a fucking choice!

That’s like getting a kick in the left nut or stabbed on the right nut!


that reminds me, ive gotta paint the ceiling in the kids rooms

Get @gasband to do it.

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I’m not sure he could afford such a master

Thanks for all the vote of confidence to paint @Redbj 's children room ceiling. I already have a concept in mind. Other than wanting it to be functional, I also envision it to be of a colour that is relaxing and at the same time while the children are looking at it, they can learn something too so it is educational at the same time. Let me know what you think.


Adventure Time GIF

Sometimes I wonder why my works are not appreciated more, like in polls or things like that

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ahead of your time mate. people just arent ready for that level of subconcious provocation and fail to recognise the internal battle you are fighting between personal struggle and human celebration of joy in simplicity…

one of those great philosophical questions…is an artist successful if they are never recognised in their own lifetime?