TAN's Fantasy Football League 24/25 season - NOW OPEN! :O

He is the one player who transcends the FF curse!

Lol, not for me. Trent can though

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Let the Jesus save me :pray:

I have been automatically entered so it might be that not everyone was in last time round.

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Heres my team.

Cant stand FF but my boss has started one so ive joined and will make zero changes throughout the season. Humbug.

So how do you join this then? I’ve created a (shit?) team and then tried entering the code jzejxq in Fantasy Draft but it didn’t work?

Just joined. The code isn’t for draft …I used it in the official 1.

Would you mind turning down the phone volume, a little bit? I am having trouble concentrating.


The sound of that Fantasy music just too good not to listen to it on full blast.

Gotta feel sorry for gool ol’ Conor lad as well, getting the full brunt of it.

Sorry, can you speak up?

I couldn’t hear you :stuck_out_tongue:

I was going to join this, but the fucking hoops this stupid fucking website is requiring me to do to join this league is a joke. so fuck the FA and their password change requirements.

Yooooooouuuuuurrr vooooooluuuuuuuuuumeeeeeeeee iiiiiis toooooooo loooooooooooooow.

no joke, the website is requiring me to change my password. but will not accept any changed password, anything I type is being rejected saying it cannot be the same password. fucking hell.

try different browser

i did. doesn’t matter. website is fucked.

I imagine it’s getting pummeled with last-minute sign-ups.

Could be. It’s usually fucked last hours before the first match of the day …