Test Thread to test code

User level testing to ensure works

quote 4 to test user levels

Quote testing number 5

Testing the system to see if I can find issue

I am still confused how to quote text because when i press reply it just shows the person i am replying to but not the particular post I am replying to?

You have ti highlight the text you want to quote, and then above it you get a button saying “quote”, click on that and it inserts the highlighted text into the reply pane.

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Ah ok got it, thanks

There are 2 ways.

In the top left hand corner of the reply box is a speach bubble, by clicking that you will quote the whole post.

The other option is if you want to quote a certain part of a post, then highlight the part you want to reply to and it will give you the option to quote that section.


ah great! thanks!! its clear now hurhur

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Awesome on the speech bubble. Thx.

Ps - I was feeling lazy to select and quote. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Ah that is good, might be a new addition as don’t remember seeing that before.

Testing testing, one, two.

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Testing 12345 senses working overtime.

Isn’t video/ GIF embedded posts possible? From YouTube for example. Struggling to post one from mobile. If someone can help please.

I posted a video from my PC earlier, so it is possible. Not sure about mobile.

In the reply pane, at the top the 8th icon across that says upload, is the one I used for posting a video.

I can upload content from my mobile (as in what’s in my mobile storage), that option is available beside the preview button at bottom. But cannot locate the icon for YouTube video or some online image link, for example. Similar to media option we had in TIA.

On mobile the icons are for hyperlink, quote, preformatted test, insert date time, text alignments and setting icon for hide details / build poll.

Posted the vid above from my mobile, I just copied the URL of the Youtube clip and posted that into the reply pane, if you check the preview you should see a still from the video you’re posting, and then when you submit it, it should be the complete clip.

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Ah okay, thanks. The still made me confused that that’s how it’ll get posted as the final content as well. :+1:t3:

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It pays to read through this thread as I was just about to ask how to quote something - thanks.