The Anfield Noise - Users

Nice work.
And don’t feel bad that you had a 60 year old man watching that with tears running down his face :cry:

Hello Mods,
Thank you for the wonderful forum.
I have been enjoying discussing a wide variety of topics while the football is on hold and generally annoying people on a global level.

Unfortunately, recently I have been having a strange issue with the site. When I click on a topic a different one appears. At first I thought it was my mistake, but it has happened too often even for my ancient digits to be blamed. Edit - on android phone
Any ideas what might be going on?

Peace, CJ


Hi, for weeks when i click on a thread that has 10 new posts it takes me to 10 or more back before the red line. It seems worse on my ipad than my phone.

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I have that issue as well. It seems to be just on my tablet though?. :nerd_face:

I’m seeing this too, I have a feeling that it is related to Twitter and other “add ins” loading after the page had rendered. So in effect your position on the page (i.e. half way down) doesn’t change, but as the size of the page changes, half way now is an entirely different part of the page.


I also suffer from this problem.

As @DublinRed says, it’s more pronounced when there are tweets and other embedded content.


Hi there…‘users online’ just gives me a number now…not showing user icons…have I pressed something I shouldn’t…not a problem, but just looks different…cheers.

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Mine is the same…wasn’t sure if i’d somehow hidden it myself.

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The difference is that you are resolute and take grim pleasure in your suffering, cynically knowing that this is how it must be, while snorting cholerically at the naive fools that thinks life on a forum should be without issues; when stark reality in this world is grim and clouded as it must be .
You are a rock, holding back the corrosive ocean-tide of naivity with the iron-clad will of one who is resigned to his fate and the ultimate reality and insignifiance of life in this universe.


Just in case someone else misunderstands (the Git won’t), then be assured that the above is a very friendly jab.

I knew you were being playful. The thumbs up was for a nicely worded piece of prose.

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The issue is twitter and it’s pissing me off as well. I am working on a better fix but just finding the time has been challenging.

One of the things I was experimenting with was adding extra ram, extra CPUs, turning off things which can be resource intense (chat and number of users online) but fundamentally the issue is twitter. The rest would just be a sticky plaster.

Twitter are making life difficult. Both changing their backend and also changing the rules. You might have read about Elons 600 post reading limit. Now imagine that applied to an entire forum. That’s 30 people reading 20 tweets. Thats why posts are not natively embedded.

Definitely will not be paying Elon $100 a month for the the ability to read just 10,000 posts a month (333 posts a day). The next tier up is $5000 a month !!!

Got a public holiday coming up. Hopefully give me half a day to try a few different things :wink:


Here is a decent summary (for Reddit) but same applies for Twitter

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Can’t you just ensure that only the links are posted w.r.t twitter ? I guess the preview of those links counts as a twitter view

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Current options, are links like a website link. Or they show as current format (which is OK, but leads to rendering issues).

Natively embedded seems off the table at the moment.

No worries mate, take your time, you are doing a great job. :+1:


Have you t restarting your computer?
That’s the default answer from my tech department when there’s an issue :roll_eyes:

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I don’t know about everyone else, but my issue was solved by clearing my browser cache.

Just to let u know…my ‘online users’ icons have reappeared…don’t know how…don’t know why…but thank you

Are there any issues regarding posting links to Threads?

Might it be an idea to push users to use links from Thread rather than the pile of dieing shite that twitter has become