The Arsenal Thread

I think the ego of managers plays a role in getting the likes of Havertz and Jesus in. And to the same extent Sterling as well.

We had Brendan wanting to make a project of a player because supposedly he’s a good trainer.

I guess the same goes for Arsenal.

Realise it might be the case for Klopp as well with Nunez and Slot with Chiesa.

And Haaland is a pep ego project. More to show that he can finally train a successful striker.

Doesn’t take a genius to figure out that his style of play to accomodate the said striker has made City worse as a team in the longer run.

I don’t buy that, Halaand was already a top striker. Would virtually walk into any team as a starter.



If anything Haaland has regressed after joining City.

For Jesus it is about his inconsistency, and there appear to be physical and mental issues that prevent him maintaining months long stretches of form.

Sometimes when a player like Jesus loses favour it is because the manager is no longer willing to trade off the lack of goals for the benefit of the overall game, and when that happens it is usually time for the player to either knuckle down and commit to a new role or leave. But at Arsenal he has just been replaced by a different version of himself, someone who will run around making a nuisance of himself while scoring the odd goal. It suggests there is a theoretical path back into the side if he can regain fitness and form, but that is always the issue with him.

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There are technical elements as well.

Having Jesus as a squad player who can do a job in multiple positions is quality, he’s also someone who doesn’t seem to be a moaner.

But if they thought he was going to be the main guy up top who would be part of leading them to win the biggest prizes, I felt the sameproblems he had at City would appear (if Arsenal made the steps towards the last step, which they did).

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But that won’t stop Pep and the cheaty enablers trying to tell the narative that it was all Peps’ genius training


That ones AI generated buddy!



Need to make Gordon one of the balls.


Wouldn’t Gordon be the shaft?

He gives off foreskin vibes, imo.


Enough of the cock talk, you lot. This is fucking serious.


Probably more the pubes


sorry @gasband it’s not my intention to try overshadow your fine artwork.



Also makes sense considering the piss on the pitch.

That’s herpes saturated semen.


I love how you’ve articulated a genital wart on the left sack

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For such a big dick, that’s an extremely weak stream power