The Arsenal Thread

It’s Martin


Double A is easy, because it sounds almost like awe (double A is essentially the letter Å-å). Ø is slightly harder for the English native, but not that hard really. If you can learn French or German, you can certainly learn Ø very easily.

Listen to a Frenchman (or he might be Swiss, I don’t actually know or care). Maybe better than listening to a Norwegian (there are tons of such videos of Norwegians trying to teach you that word, just use youtube, it’s a channel on something called the internet and it’s rather popular they say)

And here is a Canadian trying to say Ø and almost succeeding (her pronounciation on the other Norwegian words sounds funny, but she is a beginner:


True, but that is very mundane and boring and he gave me an excuse to nerd a bit. You have to grab those chances with both hands and run with them. You don’t get them served on a silver platter every single day. Often you have to work for it or provoke a :nerd_face: moment, but not tonight.

When someone is kind enough to give me a chance to rant unprovoked about something completely unrelated to the topic at hand, then I say thank you very much, good sir !

how do you say all that in Norwiegen

You fiend ! Ok; I shall bite. Because I just had sex with my girlfriend and feel really giddy.

Sant, men det er veldig ordinært og kjedeleg, og han gav meg ei unnskyldning til å nerde litt. Du må nesten ta dei sjansane med begge hendene og springe av gårde med dei. Du får ikkje dei servert på eit sølvfat kvar einaste dag. Ofte, så må du jobbe for det eller provosere fram ein slik augneblink, men ikkje i dag.

Når nokon er snild nok til å gi meg ein sjanse til å kakle uprovosert om noko som er heilt urelatert til sjølve temaet vi har føre oss, så seier eg mange takk, gode mann!

But enough now. Someone is going to get pissed at the OTT, and I should probably not take this too far.


Please censor that, because reasons… :grin:


Some people reach for the cigarettes. Others for the TAN forum


Just to say I was told Arsenal’s season was over last week but now they could go four points behind.

Can we cut this arrogance out please.

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We never went more than 10 or more points ahead of them and it wasn’t even half of the season (or it was exactly), which means that no, they were never truly out of it. We’ll see what happens next, I still like our situation, but our performance needs a little raise again.


Firstly, they have to win tonight. Secondly, we would still have a game in hand.

It isn’t arrogance: it’s simple fact.


Yeah, this annoys the hell out of me - I was convinced we wouldn’t win against Man United because of that. We’re the underdog even when we’re better, that’s the mentality that got me to love this fucking club in the first place!


It is arrogance though.

There season isn’t over, far from it you keep telling us refs are out to destroy us if that’s the case we will keep slipping up.

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I have made it clear from the outset that I believe that we will be robbed of the league.

I do not believe Arsenal to be a threat without refereeing assistance.

Can’t be much clearer than that.

How was that for you, darling.

Wonderful - in fact I think I’ll go tell all the lads on TAN.


Boring snide.

Slightly more amusing snide.


I still think we will win it :slight_smile:
I don’t see that as arrogance, just looking at numbers really. But sure, it’s possible we do not, but it’s much more likely we will win it.

It’s only one reason.

We dont want @PeachesEnRegalia getting upset at Alice’s rejection.

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Whether it happens tonight or not I do think Arsenal will drop quite a lot of points in the second half of this season. They have actually not won more games than they have won away from home. 5 wins, 4 draws and 2 losses. They have Nottingham Forest, Man Utd and Liverpool to travel to in the second half of the season.

And they have to do it without Saka or a backup striker.


You suggest clearly last week there season was over and you made no mention of refs.

Although he did make this post yesterday, which was so much out of character that I almost had a heart attack. I was so in shock that I even didn’t press like on it at the time (doing that now, mind you). I was close to writing him in PM to ask if he needed help. See, I deeply care about the Git and this post smelled of either the deepest of irony or some malignant spirit riding his body and typing it without his knowledge:

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