The Arsenal Thread

You can see their point of view after all Peter Bankes screwed them on Sunday :smirk:

Lack of further signings for Arteta, could be the writing on the wall that the club are keeping their powder dry, for the new manager to spend in the summer, when Arteta gets moved on for lack of trophies…!

That, for me, highlights that Arsenal’s ‘great seasons’ just don’t compare to our nearly years. They have fooled themselves that they were better than they were and now, feeling the fume as their unrealistic expectations meet reality, the club from Arteta down are fixated on finding external things to blame.

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I only have PL coverage for another 3 weeks, looking forward to getting up early on Saturday to see Leicester scrap a draw against Arsenal.


I’d lie in.



Beaten by Newcastle in the league cup semi-final. Another trophy dream goes to die… :wink:

That said, I’m not happy to see the northern-eastern oil cheaters enjoying success.

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Which north eastern oil cheaters ?

You’ll have to be specific.


Are Sunderland or Middlesbrough oil cheats? Or the Glasgow teams?

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I dunno. I have less hate for Newcastle than the others, if I’m honest. Their fans always deserved better than Ashley, and it’s not like it’s the fans’ fault they were allowed to be bought by an oil state’s wealth fund.

That, and at least superficially they don’t seem to be engaging in the kind of rampant financial doping that we’ve seen the likes of City, PSG, etc. do. I wouldn’t be upset if Newcastle won a cup or two to give their fans something to cheer about. Howe is a good manager and has them playing well, the final should be a good one.

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I would now it’s against us.


Well said their fans had to put up with a lot with Ashley in charge


Potentially, Newcastle can transfer any player of theirs to the Saudi League for insane money and get any player playing in the Saudi leagues to play for them on loan.

At some point, they will do exactly that.

So nope. They are as bad as City , PSG.

The FFP / PSR rules being more strictly implemented probably stopped them spending overtly.


That’s ok but The Athletic had gone way over the top in their shameless fawning over Sandcastle.
Immortality?? From winning one Carabao cup, the least prestigious of the major trophies???
What would they be if, big if, they were to land the PL or CL? The God of Gods?


Is shite.

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“two games from immortality”

FFS it’s the Milk Cup


The article is by George Culkin who is a Newcastle fan

Yep, he can often be seen in the Gallowgate End alongside his brother Macaulay.


I didn’t read it. Saw the headline and almost puked.
To paraphase JWH, What do you think they’re smoking over there at The Athletic?

I didn’t read it either, just clicked to check the author’s name. It’s somewhat a feature of the Athletic that the contributing journalists are writing for ‘their’ club’s core fanbase, not a wider audience like you see in other media.