The Arsenal Thread

Still haven’t got around to checking out AFTV yet…any reports??

Any AFTV gems here ?

Genuinely a bit baffling that Arsenal/Arteta have talents like Saliba and Mavropanos but still think that Chambers, Holding and Mari were better options to keep around the place. How many more times do the first two have to show how god awful they are before they get discarded for good?

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The Ö in Özil has more points than Arsenal so far this season.


Ive been hesitant to put too much of this on Arteta, but thought his response to Xhaka’s predictible bottle job (rather get sent off in a faux show of commitment than actually battle through a tough game) is one of those things that gives off all the wrong signals. He doesnt deserve a tap of respect from his manager for taking the easy way out and fucking over his team mates.


I dont know that Saliba has been played a game for them. Apparently he showed up after his 1 year loan Arteta took one look at him and thought he was shit so shipped him out. It’s harsh, but you can make sense out of it…except for the fact that as you say they keep the likes of Holding and Chambers around who are tried and failed…repeatedly and over an extended period.

Well , They paid 30m for him.

They did, but it doesn’t mean is actually any good

This is football in a nutshell and we’ve been guilty of it with Rodgers.

It’s obviously not getting better so let the manager have lots of money in the summer and then sack him after 3-6 weeks.

Not to say he doesn’t have to go as they are rank but it’s obvious from last season.

When you can no longer turn up and put a fight up against the big sides your relegated to the rest.

With Arsenal it’s not the money though is it

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Bit surprised at this, but fair play to him if true.


Probably just wants to get as far from the stink as possible, but he shouldn’t do it. Take a fair payoff or go out on loan to Corinthians. He’s earned the right to play that card.


Bloke has been stealing a living for the past 5 or 6 years now, it’s the least he could do.

Only got themselves to blame.

To illustrate this the spend £30M on a backup keeper last week.

I remember a time when Arsenals scouts were they envy of the PL. Honestly believe many of us could do a better job scouting and signing players.


Arsenal football club - the club who hand out stupid fucking contracts to over the hill players

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Maybe the fans threats are starting to get serious…
They surrounded Arteta’s car last week telling him to F*** O** out of the club…!
In this day and age, who needs stuff like that in their life eh


That’s bang out of order.

Do these fucking muppets not realise the problem at Arsenal is at board level and is deeply rooted within the club.


If I ran AFTV, I’d be starting to get concerned too. They’re starting to attract almost as much hatred as the board. Funny in its day but I see trouble brewing outside a ground one day soon. No way the club will offer security and it is by definition a public forum.

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It’s the whole club, as said 38m on a goalie who doesn’t improve on the current number one from what I can see.


Screw these people who keep telling Barcelona players to play for free. They’re entitled to their contract.