The Arsenal Thread

Claude turning in his grave.

Do we know what he did yet?

Played shit?


The rumour is that he showed up late for practice again.

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Worse. He stayed away on personal leave too long fucking up his ability to return to training in time for the game due to covid protocols.


I’d sell him in January, he’s obviously an arsehole. Bad attitude, bad influence on the younger players, you don’t need players like that at the club.

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Basically unsellable. Contract left is 1.5 years for £350k a week, and he is 32 years old. Amount due to him under that contract exceeds any estimate I have seen of his market value. I suspect if Arsenal could, they would just cancel his contract, they would be better off. But if Aubameyang is able to get another contract in Summer 2023, it wouldn’t be for a third of what he makes now. He won’t walk away from ~£28M.

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This might be why they have disciplined once again… might help their tribunal case if they bin him!



They have some death wish right

I thought Sanchez fell off a cliff when those other numpties bought him

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In hindsight a bit of a Torres. The signs were already there in his last half season that he was not what he was, but it was being overlooked because of the personal benefit of doubt he’d earned and the overall awfulness of the rest of the side


Whilst he was still doing the biz on the pitch, the problem was his attitude as he thought none of the squad was good enough to play alongside him.

Tô be fair he wasn’t that far off.

Why he went to Man Utd mind…

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Obviously the money a factor, and if he saw his level was already dropping then it probably makes even more sense on that alone. Although I wonder if he also thought that better players around him would help him hide the signs of decline.

I kind of jokingly meant why did he think they were better players

I think at both Utd and with Sanchez few were willing to believe that the decline that had been observed was quite so set in stone. It was a move that made a lot of sense for both of them, designed to get them both back to where they were just a short period of time prior. In reality he’d been run into the ground the prior 3 seasons, came back from the most recent summer tournament injured and ultimately returned like a boxer who’d gone the distance too many times over a long career.


I do remember a few on here worried that he would improve them and I think I thought it myself.

Part of the issue at Utd was also tactical as I remember seeing that they had other players running into the spaces he usually did when attacking, thereby getting in his way.

He probably is but having a read through this article I personally think his club and himself could have handled this a bit better; away because of his sick mum by all accounts

Then there is this from Billy Big Balls Arteta:

"“The decision we have taken as a club is very clear - it is because we believe he has failed to be committed at the level we all expect and agreed,” Arteta said.

“What I expect from any person in this football club, that is representing this badge, is passion and that he gives absolutely 100%, that he puts the club in front of any personal interests and is able to do anything to fulfil the badge we have on the chest.”

Every pundit and his dog jumping on the bamdwagon as well. I’d be telling Arteta to fuck right off and milk them for every penny, personally. Can’t wait for the miserable, robotic twat to be sacked off.

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I was unaware of the situation with his family, which definitely puts a different spin on things. Not a player I like, but should have been handled more privately. I guess they want to wriggle out from that contract if they can.