The British Royal Family

Will that include the olde traditions of marrying a young virgin to provide suitable heirs and spares whilst shagging a fellow officers wife?

Goes without saying. Being married to Dianna and cheating is something I’ll never get my head round.

Ranks up there with knowing you are going to be King someday but your stated ambition is to be a Tampax.

He really did break the 11th commandment there.

And then 40 yrs later have the said officer look after your horses…very mixed up…

Well, Charles is looking after his……

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Can be painful I’m told.

I know the majority of TAN are not Royal fans, but this is an intriguing story.

The Royal Palace put out a photo of Princess Kate on Mother’s Day. Some International news agencies have refused to publish it saying it has been photoshopped, it is not a genuine picture. Some photograhy buffs have spotted discrepancies.
I wouldn’t have been able to spot one difference let alone several.

Very strange the palace released a fake photo and now it has created even more conspiracy theories. What a mess they made.


And? :thinking:

Why put out fake picture? It is better not to release any picture.

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They’ve been doing it since time began. You think that those old kings and queens really looked like their portraits?


I’ ve already read some stories, coming out of spain a while ago, that Kate has been put into a coma cause something went wrong with her surgery. This news has been of course denied by the English media immediately ( no surprise) but then the Spanish journalist doubled down and said her source is absolutely trustworthy.

Since then, lots of conspiracy theories making the rounds, cause Kate wasn’t seen publicly since 28th of December last year. You will find lots of articles/videos about a possible emergency situation at home or even a divorce cause William has an affair etc. So many different stories everywhere atm. And some have even recently asked for a sign of life.

Well and now the Palace coming out with this fake photo isn’t really helpful tbf. It’s a PR disaster.

It is quite a soap opera as always with the RF, but there is no smoke without fire imo.



That’s curious. There have been a few AI generated/manipulated pictures floating around but none that were officially released.

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Oh really, didn’t know this, of course the British media who work who kind of work with the Royals are good at manipulating the public, (i.e Brexit).

Remember Harry said in his interview that the palace put out a joint public statement on behalf of William and Harry without Harry’s knowledge.

The machine PR at Kensington Palace, have made it worse for themselves and opened up a can of worms.

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What I find odd, is that if Kate is genuinely ill then I would have thought that would generate a great deal of sympathy with the public. Not a royalist thing but just a human thing - people would have empathy with the mother of a young family being incapacitated.

I do understand that they want to protect the family’s privacy but simply an honest statement would do that. As it is, it starts looking like conspiracy theory central.


Exactly this. The whole thing is fucking weird, and given the challenges the country is currently facing, serves only to emphasise how utterly fucking pointless they are.

How fucking ugly was Charles II of Spain then, if all we have is a sympathetic portrait?

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They had different beauty ideals in those days.

Some horrible horrible stuff being written on social media platforms about the whole episode since the beginning. With people surmising the why’s, wherefores, and exaggerated conspiracy theories regarding Kate Middleton and William.
Just glad I’m not part of the toxicity that it is covered in. Truth will emerge eventually, but until then, my belief is that there is a need to stand back without adding fuel to an already raging inferno.

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