The British Royal Family


Well… now it has become an international comedy soap opera

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Its abit quiet down Kensington Palace Road.

I am thinking, the current UK govt are getting criticised left right and centre and this ‘photoshop-gate’ story was a distraction for people.

The Daily Fail are again twisting it to make it is Megan and Harry’s fault. Some corners of the British press are have no moral compass.


Yes, Rose Hanbury is being mentioned quite alot. I don’t know, these Prince of Wales have a habit of having a wife and mistress on the side in their family for generations.

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Apparently Rose’s 63-year-old husband lives mostly in France with his boyfriend :upside_down_face:
Rumor has it that the children, or at least the daughter, are from PW. Apparently she is now pregnant again.

This is more complex than a maths hypothesis!!🙆‍♀️

This flow diagram explains everything :sob::joy::woman_shrugging:

it’s a bit like Game of Thrones :joy:

I gave up on the Game of Thrones after season half through season 2.

I had a note book so i could remember who belonged to which family who was betraying who and who was doing it with who​:ok_woman::woman_facepalming:t2:. I did my head in!!


I need to check that Flowchart again, who the hell is Banier and how he is connected to William, Kate and Rose in this story​:sob::rofl::joy:

they all have really cool names btw :joy:


It´s easy, the connection is, that Rose´s husband David is the "boy"friend of Barnier. :wink: They are living together in France (most of the time)

And Rose, William and Kate are living really close to each other. ( 3 miles )

That story won´t go away now :joy:

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So, is this the new season of ‘The Crown’?

Seems like the scriptwriters have gone a bit far this time.

I think will be season 7 or something like that in 2026.
They can’t do anything now as it is not official😀.

The weird thing is, this Rose, she kind of looks abit like Kate, but abit more horsey like.

Yeah Wills is taking @gasband 's “horse eouvre” a bit far…

Maybe she reminds him of his aunt.

This is really giving me stepmom video vibes. And not in a good way

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Does any of it suffer from that affliction of a moral compass?Too busy raking in the dosh.

Whenever I read anything about the Royal Family and their peculiar relationships, I always imagine that if they lived on a council estate they would be notorious as “that” family that brings the tone of the neighbourhood down.

Do you think that at the back of Buckingham Palace there is a broken washing machine and a dead mattress dumped in the gardens?


The Royal staff are good at spin, the Royals themselves live in a bubble, they are more worried about their marketable image, than morals, eg, Andrew, who is still thinks he can sponge off everyone and still wants to be in all the official events.