The Case For The Defence

Don’t know whether there is any truth to it but Bild reported that they may have an option to buy.

I hope not, given his performances.

You’re missing out Natty Phillips btw. He’s been recalled.

Never seen that reported anywhere else, and it’s Bild, grain of salt, and all that.

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As was Rhys Williams


When all are back from injury there is no real issue with the defense.Matip will i think be off in the summer so a replacement will be needed to cover for what will be a huge loss.

Depending on the manager , I do think Trent will shift to midfield.

In some areas of the game , we’ve been better with Bradley as a RB. Still doesn’t mean we would need a RB as Ramsay is highly rated as well and there’s Gomez.

I do think that we need a Left Legged CB who can fill in as a LB though.

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That shows the importance Klopp gives to a team able to impose itself physically, also in the air. Our physical dominance in games is the foundation for the whole rest.

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Bit surprised with Konate, expected his success to be higher.

In other words, it tells a lot about our overall quality, playing high, pressing and as a result of that, opposition going long against us.

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It is absolutely key for the way we play. The easiest out for a defender getting pressed is to just pump the ball down the line. If we cannot reliably win that ball the whole system falls apart you just offer them an easy and productive way to bypass the press.

It was what Klopp thought was one of the biggest issues we had when he first got here, hence going after Matip that first summer.

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The oppositions big guy always plays on the opposite side to where Virg is and that could be the reason why

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I’m surprised that this thread hasn’t popped up earlier. We look very fragile at the back currently. What can be done about this?

Sell Van Dijk. I always return to this idea.

If you cannot press well the defense looks more exposed, and if you lose the ball in the wrong situations you are not set up to be able to press effectively.


I would like to have a new CB this Summer.

VVD is fading (though, he is still pretty good)
Matip is injury prone (and isn’t a reliable option)
Konate hasn’t imposed himself (mostly due to fitness issues)
Quansah is just a kid
Gomez has mostly played on the flanks

@Iftikhar You forgot Gomez - you heathen!

get him crowd GIF by South Park

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Happy :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Adding him as an after thought is the forum equivilent of cheating, so nope!

Mad Maggie Lawson GIF by PeacockTV

A new CB will definitely be on the agenda this summer, due to Matip’s contract expiring. It’d hard to say if we’d pursue a second CB, as it depends on how the new manager sets up, and whether he rates any of the returning CB loanees.