The Central Midfield Thread

Ok so you are back to just making shit up again, bye.


Nope. All in the accounts. Please don’t call me a liar try and prove what you think is a lie is.

Post proof of this, until you do you are lying.

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Just because LFC may be worth $2Bil doesn’t mean a thing except when it comes to selling, which I doubt is a consideration of theirs. It’s an expensive operation to run, the club’s value has increased because of the investments they have made but that doesn’t make any real changes to the cash flow. Main Stand renovation has to be paid for from cash flow. Kirkby investment has to be paid for from cash flow. Annie Rd end future renovation will have to be paid for. The club has a very large wage bill to contend with and decisions have to be made regarding the future of players like Salah and how that possible contract could affect the future of the rest.

The “cash out” of FSG would only happen if they did end up selling, but who could afford it and what would that do to the club. I don’t think that’s even a thought process of theirs right now.

We’re in second place, undefeated and sandwiched between clubs that have far richer backing than us and a complete lack of moral compass. enjoy the ride.


OK I’ll try.

What in my post are you taking issue with and believe is untrue for me to have a starting point?

We’ve got a wonderful squad, some of the best players in the world and the best manager in the world. I don’t see why me wanting them to achieve all they could achieve is a bad thing?

That is not quite true on FSG only getting money from selling the club. Due to owning us they’ve managed to sell minor stakes in FSG that has paid their investment in us back. It is actually not an unreasonable concept in business at all to invest money into growing an asset so it can continue to increase the money it makes you. At the very least the profits we made in past years could have been made available for improving the squad. If not the costs of academy and infrastructure too.

And last financial year they utilised a credit facility of around ÂŁ50m for the issues with cashflow. They paid it back within the same year to save a couple of million a year in interest. Putting both our sporting ambitions and also around ÂŁ100m of CL related revenue in danger. Are we not allowed to criticise them over these actions?

I don’t want FSG gone but I think they are too comfortable thinking they don’t need to invest into the squad or be ambitious with funding because they have Klopp who is a miracle worker. But whilst Klopp will see us through he could be hoovering up major honours. We’ve won two wonderful ones but with just what LFC can spend (not stupid spending like City) we could have doubled or trebled that.

Guys this is about the Central Midfield, the rest belongs in the FSG thread.


This is the part that bothers me the most. I love the man and even if he left the club today, he’d still be a legend. However, I can’t get over the team not winning the league last season simply because I want him to win more trophies with Liverpool. They should have walked it had it not been for injuries. Now, the midfield is probably costing him another Premier League, though Chelsea look ominously resilient.


Central midfield is not the main worry for me, it’s not a worry at all actually, I would be exaggerating in a “don’t expect anything and you’ll be surprised” type of stupidity. I have nothing from little mind games like that. At the moment, it’s tricky, but overall I’d say it’s fine. Better than I expected so far (in midfield).

I did think we should’ve brought in a replacement for Gini (like I thought we needed a CB the summer before when Lovren went), not necessarily a starter, but a fresh player of similar qualities to him. But it’s not like we’re doomed and there weren’t going to be solutions without it. I felt the CB situation the summer/season before was more serious.

Of course, we’re a bit light at the moment. Jones played more than we probably planned after his injury with England U21’s. Millie also, he’s not a robot, with all his stamina, etc. We need bodies back and I expect the situation to be better again after the international break.

Klopp explained it brilliantly pre-Brighton. We have steps to make more in the defensive phase of our game and that doesn’t only consist of personnel, focusing on either defence or midfield, putting player x in position y and what have you. Colectivelly as a whole team, much more than that. There’s not only 1 way to go from 2-0 onwards to win a game of football against. There are multiple ways.

So far this season we showed some fantastic stuff. In pre-season and by the end of it, I felt we are ready to go. I was actually pleasantly surprised how well we’ve looked so far, after the season we had. Having our main 3 CB’s back doesn’t suddenly make us defensively a rock. It needs time again and I predicted we would start strong, but show some defensive issues. So for me, it’s natural and expected.

Of course the midfield can and should help, it’s a very influential part of the pitch, that central midfield zone. Even in our periods of best form under Klopp, we sometimes had games where we were in the lead and struggled a little bit to decide/find the right balance how to keep playing (certainly never stop playing), but not needing/wanting to go charging like maniacs all the time. Of course, when we’re at our best, we’re not maniacs, but you know what I mean.

There are some collective and individual errors in those goals and actions. Sometimes we can end/win these games by more control, sometimes by better finishing and more goals, sometimes by plain better defending. Often, with a mixture of these things. It’s much more as a group than now looking at which players do we put in certain positions and just replace some starters.


My concern is that we typically operate with a finely wound squad, with not much room left over.

Since selling Coutinho (and since the big window), we have progressively lost players in MF, but have never replaced them from the transfer market save for Thiago. We have instead adjusted from within, including the new role for Harvey until his injury.

Injuries collectively is shinning a slightly lopsided light on the MF, but successive departures of Lalana, Gini and Shaq without additions from the txfer market was always going to strain that tightly wound squad, esp given the combination of injury history of CMs…

We play things too close IMO…

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As above. Good luck proving the above… Will be the same evidence you failed to produce when you said FSG were skimming on every commercial deal.

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The quality is there, surely it’s the quantity of time played by some of them that isn’t. So quantity of players doesn’t fill the quantity of time required.
It is clear that 6 players should be enough to cover 1 place in the team and as it’s still early days in the season it might still be. We are not out of any competition yet even if your trying to say the opposite. 2nd in EPL leading our CL group and chugging along in the League cup thingy.
I still reckon we’re on for Champions of either EPL or CL even if you’ve already thrown in the towel. :kissing_heart:

Don’t waste your time your labelled now. :rofl:

Said it in the summer and will say it again now. Not replacing the central midfielder who played more minutes than any of our other centre mids in each of the last three seasons was madness.

The hope that the lads who have shown to be prone to picking up injuries would somehow magically be fixed is looking more fanciful by the day.

Milly goes end of the season and we need at least one top draw option. Ideally Ox goes as well and we can get two. There are some interesting bosman options currently on the cards we could look at. Perhaps not the perfect option but fit and capable without needing to stump up a fee. I’d hope we might even consider a January deal.

But we cant afford to let another summer go without some change in that area of the pitch.


Voicing concern and throwing in the towel are not the same thing

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FSG sold 10% this year recovering more than they’ve spent on us, mostly that increased value of FSG is the ownership and increase in value of us. They’ve had their invested money back.

And nope not me. You’re mixing me up with someone else on the commercial deals thing.

While there was no direct like for like replacement for Gini, it is wrong to say we did not replace him. Klopp used the opportunity of his departure to evolve our game in MF with the Harvey Elliot role in RM and the triangle he was building with Salah, TAA and Elliot.


I understand what you’re saying but a teenager in his first season at Premier League level can’t be seen as a replacement for your most reliable midfield option of the past five years. He’s a talented kid for sure but it’s a stretch to think he could be as dependable as Gini already.

If Naby, Ox and Hendo weren’t as prone to injuries and Milner wasn’t 35 then maybe you can take that gamble. As it is, we’ve been unlucky but you can hardly say the warnings signs weren’t there.

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Gini would most likely not have played that much if Fab and Hendo didn’t have to play in defence so often. I think we are more than stacked in midfield, but once again 1 major injury and several smaller ones.

Getting another midfielder is not an option unless one goes out. Makes no sense otherwise. I agree that it would have been nice to upgrade Ox or Naby from and injury/form pov.

You can’t force players out without effecting team chemistry unless it’s a Mario/Sakho situation. A player has to be willing to leave like Shaq.

I was commenting on the question you posed. :kissing_heart: