The Central Midfield Thread

We’ve signed a table? FFS! We wanted a lamp!

Things seem to be going well in here. This is the kind of quality content that me and @SBYM log on to TAN for.

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3 tiers of supporters that want a new midfielder.

  1. The never happy.
  2. The upgrade signing (very rare at this stage of market).
  3. PTSD suffered from the CB disaster 2 seasons ago.

A lot seem to be the no.3, and it’s understandable. You just need to understand that it was a halley’s comet type event. The injuries we have now are not season ending injuries, and we go through this every year, and yes, with the same players.

I have been thinking that we have been light in midfield for a couple of seasons and felt it to be the priority for a while now. Having said that I’m ok with where we are as over the course of this season we have the general depth in quality to cover any short comings - and we did just finish 2nd!. Also I get the impression that for Klopp the front and back line ups are the most critical and the middle is about a numbers, i.e. do we have enough fit bodies, rather than a specific skill set?

The only caveat being that the cover we have in midfield comprises of players that are in three camps, players getting on in life, those that are injury prone and those that lack experience - in some cases a combination of 2 or indeed all 3…

Not sure I agree with that, I think to be a midfielder in Klopps team is one of the most demanding roles, it’s completely unforgiving. This is no slight at all, but how many times can Salah lose the ball, or miss shots per game? Or Trent missplace passes? Any midfielder slightly off at anything and our system starts to fall down, they are the engine which lets the rest of the “stars” shine.

There is a reason Milner at 37 and Fernandinho at 37 were trusted ahead of younger players and bringing in “another” body by Klopp and Pep.

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Several posts deleted, some of which quite insulting. That is out of order, lads.

Nine days without footy is too much, here’s to the three/four days rhythm again! :+1:


Bringing in another midfielder is a good subject for a debate but ultimately a pointless one as we all know there is no chance of someone coming in unless someone is going out and that doesn’t look like it’s happening.

I haven’t read the discussion so these points may have already been made but we still have midfield options at the moment so I don’t think it’s a crisis situation yet. It’s the injury to Thiago that’s a hammer blow. I was hoping we might be able to nurse him through the first half of the season at least because he is so crucial for us. 18 of the 22 points we dropped last season came in games where he didn’t play. It’s not just that he’s so good on the ball. It’s his defensive qualities that we miss. There is no one else who can replicate what he does.


Get the decision to not bring in a new one but for next summer I want two :upside_down_face:

To follow this analogy through you’d be expecting your wife to buy a new back door, rather than work with the one she has

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We should have sent Ox packing though.

But what if the player doesn’t want to move?


Like at Barcelona :grinning::grinning:

Probably biggest contrast possible between two clubs right now.

Barca signs players based only on in Game qualities. They don’t care if it’s a bad character or a criminal - no wonder the club is criminal itself.

Since Klopp is here the background and character of players gets checked.

Doubt we would go for someone like Icardi because of his wife or someone like Rabiot because of his mother - not even on a free and low wages.

Respect doesn’t work as a one way here. Club demands respect but we also respect players and their contracts.


Exactly, Barca isn’t the benchmark on how to deal with players.

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The analogy relates to trust, not buying players :roll_eyes:

It illustrates that you can trust someone but occasionally disagree with a decision they make.

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Keeper should have saved it :wink:

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We really lack a fourth midfielder - I mean, a real fourth midfielder that can be trusted, like Gini back then or pre-injury AOC, not old Milner, Keita, broken AOC, Jones or even Elliott.

If the old man has to start, we are in, really in deep shit.

The mind boggles, Elliot was again our best midfielder yesterday.


Did we have a shorter training camp than last year? Fab started last season sharply. Wonder why he’s so rusty start of this season. He’ll come good, but right now he’s costing us points