The Central Midfield Thread

And just as importantly very few players who are clearly a bust. By being relatively succesful in the market so far it has meant that our subsequent plans are not inhibited by being committed to a number of recent signings who dont fit. In other words, we’re successful in part because of who we didnt buy, so that even when we have someone like Ox whose rating from the fans would be comparably low, it’s a still guy who was capable of providing 20+ appearances last season. When he is the 20th+ name on your squad you have the flexibility to proactively direct your squad evolution rather than be forced into being reactive to situations that arent working.


This can’t be said enough.

There is an assumption that Klopp/The Transfer Committee can just keep pulling belters out of the hat, but if we bought at the prodigious rate that (some) fans demand, the performance of the club in the markets wouldn’t look anywhere near as stellar as it does right now.

We identify who we want, we wait if necessary, and if we have to make do with what we have so be it. That’s been the way we’ve worked for years now. I’m surprised (some) fans at this point expect anything different.


Not sure that this is the issue here though. Fans aren’t demanding a new midfielder just for the sake of it. It isn’t a knee-jerk reaction. It’s a rational idea based on the repeated injuries that Ox, Naby, Thiago and even Hendo to an extent have season after season and a perceived need that there is the need for a midfielder who will be both available and also will play at a consistent level above where Elliott and Jones currently are. They are both potentially great players, but it’s still potential. Maybe this season is the one when they become more than potential. Fingers crossed.

It isn’t helpful to keep painting fans who see the need for a new midfielder as FIFA playing idiots who think the market is the only solution to any problem. That may be true of many in the wider fanbase, but it’s a tiny minority of people here and should not be used as a stick to beat people with who suggest they would like to see a new CM.

Absolutely Klopp isn’t a manager who will buy players just for the sake of it, but that’s not what is being suggested in this case.


That’s why I said some fans. I’m someone who think we could probably do with another midfielder, so there’s that.

There are however fans for whom it’s never enough. We’ve all seen them. The one who want to win the transfer window more that an actual trophy. Who think every time a rival buys a player we need to respond in kind.

I’ve noticed our success in the market is starting to get used another stick to beat the club with - we always get signings right, so what’s the worry tight arses?

That’s where the comments from me and Limie come in. We’re successful in the markets largely because we don’t buy players with abandon, like Everton or Chelsea.our willingness to stay our hand, to not accept second best, is what gives us our incredible hit rate.

So to loop back to the midfielder convo, if the right player is available at the right price, we would move. I’m sure of that. That nothing is happening suggests to me that there is no-one out the there suitable and available.that’s been the strategy for many years now, and it’s increasingly hard to argue with.


My view on Klopp and the coaching team is they like to throw a young player in at the deep end and see how they handle it. Elliot before his injured, Jones before he was injured last season and now Bajcetic in the pre-season.

It’s my belief that Klopp has been happy Bajcetic has shown enough he can contribute to the senior team and that puts a stop to any sort of transfer idea as long term he wants Bellingham, but also wants to give the younger players minutes when they’ve proven they deserve them.

He’s pretty clear, so I guess it comes down to do you trust Klopp or not?


I don’t think hyperbole means what you think it means just as I don’t think you will find many of us writing off our youngsters off hand. Saying give them time, they’re not there yet and they aren’t 100% brilliant is fair enough and just about the truth imho and not hyperbole in that it’s a reasoned and balanced approach. Ranting about how brilliant they are straight off the bat and expecting your own echo chamber is.


Hyperbole is a rhetorical and literary technique where an author or speaker intentionally uses exaggeration and overstatement for emphasis and effect .

That’s exactly what I meant. Thanks.

Imagine saying your “opinion” is truth, especially when it goes directly against the evidence gathered from the many years Klopp has managed our club.

It doesn’t.

I trust my wife implicitly. But I can still question her decision to leave the backdoor unlocked when she goes out even if we don’t get burgled on that occasion.

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Hahaha, you really are a troll. He’s bringing the lads in, that’s what he’s done and that’s what he’s doing. At this point they’re integrating, doing well and upwards is the trajectory and goal. At this point however, the hyperbole (exaggeration for effect, you say?) about their performance is coming from you. Now then, I’m assuming if I am to scroll up through this thread I will find someone saying they’re absolutely crap (exaggeration to counter your exaggeration, that’s how it would work, right?).

Not sure how that’s going against the evidence but then again it is you and we’ve had years of hit or bust from you. There is a middle ground and I’m standing right on it. Let the lads play and grow and save some of the jizz for when they’re really hitting the heights (which I am reasonably sure they will). Tell you what, when they’re hitting it I’ll make sure @PeachesEnRegalia brings over a pot noodle for a wank with you but at this stage you’re going to be rubbed raw before they ever get there.

Oh My God Wow GIF by reactionseditor

me when I read any of your posts.

“If it were possible, we’d have done it already”.

Bang. Straight from Klopp’s mouth.

(Your analogy doesn’t make any sense by the way)


It doesn’t make sense because you’re not specifically trusting your wife to lock the back door, are you? It’s not part of the general set of responsibilities that you place your trust in her for?

It doesn’t make sense because if his wife repeatedly told him that not locking the door was a deliberate strategy for home security, it’s served them well, and she will continue to leave the back door open, he’d obviously start checking the back door himself before they went out.

At this point, a little break might be in order. You’re getting wound up over nothing.

There is nothing I’ve said that warrants your response. I’m not a dick for picking holes in your argument. It’s, as you’ve noted, a discussion forum. If you want want to broadcast your opinion unchallenged, there are avenues to do that.

Lad, report the post or reply, don’t do both. If you want the mods to handle it, fine, but maybe back away from the discussion at that point?

If you think my response is unwarranted then flag it, as I have with yours.

I said I’d stop talking about my concerns and I have. You’ve jumped straight on me the second I’ve said something else. Perhaps take a look in the mirror and maybe take a break yourself.

Perhaps this is the point were you say, let’s agree on disagreeing, just saying.


I’d rather not get into reporting posts. To be perfectly honest the way you’ve flown off the handle is totally baffling. I haven’t said or done anything that warrants this kind of response from you.

If you want the mods to sort it, then thats fine by me.

ahem football. Stop the nonsense fighting. Lets see what Monday brings and maybe Elliot can be the answer.

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Cool it lads, let’s just wait and see how we look on Monday.

And don’t look a the table!