The Central Midfield Thread

What did we do differently this preseason as opposed to last preseason? Purely the Asia trip?

I mean Mancs went to Asia and they don’t seem jaded

Did you see the Brighton and Brentford games?

It’s what makes last night so disappointing.

Well that was their collective stupidity. I mean firstly they played Maguire. Secondly De Gea wore gloves with holes and passed to Ericsson with Mbuemo breathing down his neck.

Thing is Ox got injured over a month ago. We knew already Milner can’t play 90 mins twice a week, and that one of Thiago and Keita was going to get injured sooner rather than later (both and sooner as it turned out).

I completely get putting faith in the squad and younger players, but as soon as Ox went down we needed to get active in bringing someone in.


The same Ox that Klopp had showed no interest in playing last season, I doubt he was in his plans. Maybe they hoped they had solved the keita issue in much the way they had with Matip. Yes it’s a gamble but he also saw Jones as an option and he seems to be as injury prone as the rest.

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They were crap. Martinez was crap as well.

Brighton and Brentford went at them, we only started 30 mins in.

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If Ox wasn’t in his plans at all, then it makes it all the worse.


Still leaves him 8 Midfielders if you include Carvalho. That’s the issue he had numbers and there is a desire to bring Elliott and Carvalho through.

I keep saying this but the numbers existed after they failed to get Touchmani they must have thought it was enough. It’s not, not now anyhow. Yes some carry injuries so you may want to question it but 8 CM should be enough.

It’s evidently not.

Not for me, he’s a forward to replace Bobby. He’s nowhere near robust enough for our midfield


I was about to launch into a massive essay about how such “eye tests” are worthless, especially given how people can often watch the same game and come to massively different conclusions, and that the statistics for his game play show otherwise.

But you do you, and live in your fantasy world of panic-buying every damn player we can.

Have you seen our midfield :wink: Robust is the last word I’d use.


I don’t have a statistical model for judging players. I’m sorry if that isn’t good enough for you to consider my opinion worthy of this discussion.

I have watched football for more than 30 years though so I’m just basing an opinion on that. Surprisingly, it’s how most fans judge players because they’d rather watch games than look at numbers and charts. It’s not perfect but it’s not hard to pick out standout and stink the place out performances. There have been a few of each with most of the rest falling in between, some better than others, some worse but nothing standout that makes you think he’s integral to the team.

I also don’t see you supplying any of this data you speak of so you’re not exactly helping your case here by insisting data tells us he’s a great player for us. Feel free to point me in the direction if your opinion on that is so strong.

Oh and over the top strawman arguments do you no favours. They just show an inability to discuss the actual point in question.

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Stats in football are shite, in baseball on the other hand they are fine. :wink:

Use your eyes, watch the matches and you know Keïta does not bring enough to warrant a new contract IMHO.

I think its dangerous putting our problems down to Mane leaving, or Thiago being out, or Jota being out. Bring any one of them in, and we’d still be struggling. Bring them all in and all are match fit? Probably an improvement. But there is a deeper issue in this team that’s not solved by all of them coming back. I don’t know what it is, but the body language of the players speaks volumes. Klopp needs to find that solution.
I absolutely love Thiago. I’ve been very vocal about that. At this point, given Hendo’s form has been waning over recent years, he’s probably our best midfielder. When Thiago comes back and he once again plays a 2 metre square pass directly to the opposition that leads to an attack directly on goal, will that help you all realise that Thiago is not infallible? He is great. With some weaknesses that occasionally hurt us. Like most players. No-one is a saviour.

30 years…but did you watch more than 10 matches? :melting_face: :melting_face: :melting_face:

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Apparently watching matches doesn’t matter, it’s how you interpret a stats radar that counts.

My eyes tell me he’s not on the pitch nearly enough and the stats back it up :sunglasses:


I mentioned it in the post-game thread, but my growing suspicion is Klopp, aware of the residual fatigue from last season, and the danger of burn out for being at peak for too long in this oddly structured and long season, allowed them to go into the season a bit undercooked. That would explain the lethargy of the performances, and also some aspect of the muscle injuries being picked up as players try to get game ready while not quite physically prepared.

Or we’ve over-compensated for it being a short pre-season and gone at it a bit too hard. So many injuries and players not fully fit. Something has obviously gone badly wrong in the preparation for this season. Two pre-season friendlies in 48 hours with us scrabbling to put a team out for the second. Another friendly cancelled because of a lack of fit players. It can’t all be down to just bad luck and I’m sure some kind of internal inquiry is going on.


Id test chelsea for Conor Gallagher. Good young talent who can play centre mid for us and have the legs to play the way we want