The Central Midfield Thread

They’ll want £70M or something equally stupid

Either way, it would indicate a plan. But judging by Klopp’s reactions during the match yesterday something has done badly badly wrong. Looked like he almost gave up mid-match

Just the one I could be arsed to find. Not so obsessed with this topic that I could be bothered to look up the rest.

You’re basically this season’s @AnfieldRdDreamer. Anything short of splashing out cash leaves you underwhelmed, to the point where you only bother posting when we aren’t doing well.

If he was at Palace and a Palace player I’d go for him.

You know what it doesn’t show? How many matches he’s missed through injuries and how many matches he’s had to come off injured (with the exception of the Pogba assault)


I’m not contesting that. I’m merely contesting the idea that he’s mostly shite when he’s not injured.

I think I’m not the first one to be willing him to have a season where he can stay fit, not least because when he’s fit he’s a valuable asset to our team’s performances. But the vitriol being slung his way is ridiculous.

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Not at all true so please stop misrepresenting me.

I’m not sure why you see it as such an affront that someone can form an opinion about a player from watching them play. Of all the things to argue against, that seems nonsensical and counter to the whole concept of a forum.

Lovely stats though. Don’t prove Keita is has been a great signing however. Just shows that a player in a dominant team in England is posting similar numbers on a select collection of stats as a 19 year old in a weaker team in a weaker league.

Ah, here lies the problem, this isn’t what I said. I said he’s been pretty average whereas you think he’s been great. I don’t think you’ll find many who think for all the hype, £52m and a years wait that he’s delivered on the pitch what we hoped or expected. That isn’t me calling him shite, it’s being underwhelmed.

Jon Stewart Popcorn GIF

CM:- who is for sale?,who is available? would u like to play for LFC(when they’re in a better place)…? and/ or would you put in for a transfer…please answer asap…

If only our midfielders had half the fucking fight and desire this forums does. We’d have no problems…

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never understood how guys try to throw down with their eyes closed

If you mean bring enough in terms of attendance, then I agree. Keita has more than enough to justify being part of this team. When fit, which he rarely is.

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My gut feeling is that we will have a good go at getting a player in midfield, whether that’s Calcaido or someone else.

I find myself more concerned at what appears to be some fairly significant structural problems with the set up of the team and a collapse in form at attitude.

I don’t think throwing another midfielder into the mix is the solution to any of our problems.


How many of us are watching games tonight checking out Central Midfielders!!!

Sorry watching House of the Dragon and letting Klopp and his team do the hard work :joy:

Well Benfica are playing, do they have anyone? :rofl:


Ask Dar.

Watching Benfica 3-0 up.

Nah for me it is the whole package, when he plays he hardly ever impresses me.