The Central Midfield Thread

No need for arguments here, our whole squad is top class, but most of it is playing like shite.

We have arguably the best manager in the world but we are being badly coached right now.

It’s just a poor patch and we will come through it :+1:


Biting what?

In any case, @mattyhurst was simply saying what they would do in Alexander-Arnold’s shoes. Not that it’s some top-level coaching advice, nor that he wasn’t aware of it already.

By this coin, none of us should be commenting.

I won’t bother from now on.

It was a comment that we need to get back to the basics perhaps, he is so damn good because his delivery is. His delivery isn’t at the moment so everyone’s talking about him playing in CM.

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To think that Milner, who was essentially an offloaded surplus squad player from City 6 years ago, still had to start. We are really in deep shit right now.

I think most agree, City were mugs to let Milner go.


Think of @Thomas1195 as a broken clock. Unfortunately this isn’t one of the twice a day.


thank fucks hes not coming back in here, i was begining to think he wasnt getting the hint the arl prick…

now, lets not bang on about this midfield shite anymore and crack the beers and paartay…

Just to be clear here Thomas, as you’re a bit prone to getting stuff like this wrong, City were really keen to keep Milner, and offered him a contract to stay.

He left then them as his own choice, and came to Liverpool because he was offered more football and a chance to play in the middle.

To suggest he was offloaded by City is nonsense.


gotta go against you on this one mate…

nothing wrong with hitting a few balls in at training when you are out of form…i believe the mericans call it the ‘yips’.

funny that we get offended when one of our posters mentions just go back to basics and start training our way into form, yet nod sagely and knowingly when we sugest our players are ‘mentally fatigued’

all good, if your mentally fatigued, grab 100 balls, stand over in that corner and put every one of them on this lads (point to Nunez) head, and just tune out while you do it…

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i hadnt noticed…

Exactly. Like golfers do with their putting. Exactly what Trent and Robbo should be doing, and probably are

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The biggest drilling they need is on positioning and shape - not crossing balls in.

If they’re in the right place to defend well/attack well, everything else will come together.

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No need for you to say anything. @redalways is helpfully explaining all your thoughts.

They didn’t know to do that until they got advice here this morning…

Someone had to, since you weren’t getting it…

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There was one yesterday where the play was very similar to a goal Salah scored against Man City. The one where we break, Robbo swings an early cross in, it skips of the turf around the penalty spot and Salah heads it in.

Except last night Robbo’s cross is way behind where it would have needed to be, even if there were no defenders there. But there were and the first one cut it out dead easily with a header and then they picked up the second ball unchallenged (if memory serves).

Those small margins make a huge difference. Our full backs have been our creative outlets for so long but both are struggling right now with things they were doing on instinct previously. There seems to be a collective mind-fuck going on where everyone is second guessing themselves, each other and the tactics. It’s making things slow, disorganised and indecisive.


This is no longer central midfield thread… This is the ‘We are a shite team now and rightly so until we are not’ thread


I said this before back in the 2020-21 season, that such small things also affect our collective movement, because then we start coming in shorter, we tend to stand off a little more, because we expect that the balls wouldn’t go to the right spots and so on. This might also form part of the midfield malaise.

I think TAA inconsistencies when it comes to defending is not new and in the past we draw on his strengths of attacking plays and the others to cover his weakness in this area. He has always shown in instances that he can be too casual. Granted that these are weaknesses and he should never stop trying to improve but it’s also because right now the attacking plays are just not coming together so naturally his weaknesses are amplified. There is no easy solution because this team works on balance. We can ask TAA to defend more but we then lose some of his attacking plays. In my opinion while individual players have to buck up but overall Klopp needs to find thst balance again for the team.

You were poking your beak in, again.