The Copa America thread

I know this flies in the face of peace and harmony, but since the Argentinian players were singing a racist and homophobic song, I’m glad that we went to the trouble of sailing all that way to eject them from having invaded the Falkland Islands. :rofl:


Extraordinary piece of gymnastics to link those entirely separate incidents across space and time.

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Fair enough, having re-read my Falklands post it comes across like Al Murray! No offense meant to anyone.

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This is supposed to be tongue in cheek, many Argentinians argee with this analogy.


If Australians are English rejects, Argentinians are Scottish rejects.

How bad must they be? :thinking:

No, Canadians are Scottish rejects - Argentinians would be Welsh rejects, though mostly Italians.

But would they Canadians? :thinking:

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Would they technically be Spanish rejects?

i know its been discussed lightheartedly, but in 2024, theres a little bit of discomfort when anyone refers to australians as english rejects’

there was an historically short period when England decided they owned this land and used it as a penal colony…
this has not been the case for over 100 years where humans from all over the globe have helped make this a vibrant and wonderful country to live…

once we are through that bit of inconvenient truth, we need to move onto the 40,000 years prior to HMASyourabouttogetfucked splashed into botany bay…


There are really not that many people of Spanish descent in Argentina - far more from Italy. Argentinian Spanish even sounds like Italian

Bloody foreigners

Yeah, the British view of Australian history is extremely sketchy. The penal colony ended in 1860s. The vast majority of modern Australians are not related to convicts or even have ‘English’ ancestry.

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for 80 years we were a penal colony where England exported 160k convicts for various crimes, anyone who has visited Port Arthur (or not even) has seen they way they were treated.

was it 1776 when the fleet first sailed into botany bay, in 1901 we formed our own parliment, i think it was in 1949 we became our own sovereign nation,

so lets do the rough numbers

40,000 BC - 1770 Indegeanous Australians lived in harmony with the land
1780 - 1860 English settlers divided the land up they could access and decided it belonged to them, importing 160k of forced labour to assist
mid 1800s - Australian Goldrush sees wave of immigration, shock horror, some not even white
1901 - Australian Parliment formed, basically governing ourselves
1901-1949 - fight in two world wars for the ‘mother country’ including fighting on the beaches of Gallipoli (google the great British war hero WC involvement, fun reading) and become soveriegn nation in our own right
1949-2024 whilst for some reason still being ‘proud’ of our british heritage and links to the commonwealth, forge our way to becoming a multicultural nation, waves of European, asian and east asian immigration see a transformation

80 years, that was your window. 80 years.


The UK is multicultural too. The post reads like it is still the same as during the 80 year window!

Whatever multiculturalism has happened to Australia in recent generations, has also happened to the UK, albeit the mix is probably a bit different.

Going back in time various human ancestors have lived in the UK for almost a million years. Modern humans came around 40,000 years ago, wielding mobile phones.

Yet we still have a fucking Union Jack on our flag. Get rid of that shit.

But I digress, what’s happening in Copa how’s our mate Darwin going?

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didnt say it wasnt…i think youve missed the point


Oof. Nation of cheaters.

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