The Corona Pandemic

This was presumed to happen whenever the lockdown would have been lifted.


Put your fucking mask back on…


I think a problem here is the time scale, a week just isn’t long enough for an analysis yet many look for immediate effects. The schools going back will be noticed in figures that will be coming out in about 4 weeks time (3 now). By that time with our short memories we will be looking for something else that caused the spike. It’s exponential, in France at the moment the average r thingy is about 1.5, what will it be in 4 weeks?
r of 1.5 indicates that the number of new cases doubles every 2 weeks.
Much will not be known for years by that time we will be looking at revisionism and the story will completely change and multiple times and differently depending on which ‘group’ you ‘belong’ to.

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I think there are two main issues.

a) the government have not had adequate plans and procedures in place to prevent a second wave or at least make sure its a more manageable one

b) They simply failed to manage the first wave adequately and have effectively used up lee way that was available at that time. Everything is now super critical.

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As Jonesy pointed out yesterday

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Schools are back in Florida with still incredible uncertainty over how it is going to work, and the decision was made yesterday that bars can now reopen at 50% capacity. That is madness. We are seeing all over the country that university openings have resulted in huge local spikes. This is exactly the same crowd as those who will rush out to the bars starting Monday, and no amount of regulation specifying that they need to limit occupancy will prevent them from super spreader locations.

Right now we continue to collectively speak about the things we want (schools to reopen and economy to return) while doing absolutely fuck all to allow these things to happen. We’re just the fat kid sitting on the couch eating chocolate cake wishing he had muscles.

No surprise it’s up that much given the population of India (2nd most populated in the world after China). 100k new cases in one day is equivalent to something like 0.000008% of the population.


Yep. And the fact that the number is this up after such a long time in a way is better than if this started few months back. Although there is lot of recklessness around and chances of this not going down any soon seems plenty. People just seems tired and not bothered anymore, atleast the attitude I am seeing. It also boils down to sustaining daily livelihood which in way gives no other option than to open up everything.


BR was a shit manager, it was all Suarez…


In Canada, the clear dynamic is that the places that managed it the most effectively (BC and AB) in the Spring have populations least interested in adhering to regulations and cautionary principles, and are now the most dramatically affected. BC had more new cases yesterday than any day so far.

I think I am starting to understand why every pandemic seems to have a second wave, regardless of the biological properties of the contagion.

That seems to be the case. Lack of hospitals and beds if such scenario broke up earlier was also a fear, which seems to have reduced.

Half of all the newly infected in Cologne are people returning from holidays/foreign trips.

And the other half living with/near them???

No idea. I’m just glad that while we’re destroying our local economy, culture, entertainment industry, clubs etc for half a year and counting some people at least got to enjoy a lovely few weeks in some sunnier destination.

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I don’t think we can blame Brendan for the first wave or the second.

I’m sure that some do.

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It has been interesting seeing the difference between the Swiss and UK approaches to Covid :slight_smile:

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9406 new cases in France, 80 deaths 40 in hospitals 40 in care homes.
You have to wait to get a clear picture things come in stages. It will be interesting to see what turns up these next 4 weeks.
I’m remaining isolated!