The Corona Pandemic

Couldn’t that just be a factor of the weakest already having died?
Just think sometimes it’s better to wait before pushing this sort of stuff out. You’ve got to have a very good idea and understanding of the influencial factors not to mention the statistics behind the numbers (which I think must be incredibly complicated).
Are the same number of over 80’s ‘catching’ the virus?

He does say in his second tweet, that it could just be chance but then there are other bits of data in the thread from other people showing similar movements. For example someone gives figures showing drop of 25% of 80 years going to hospital in Northern Ireland.

I take it that’s 25% of over 80,s who have covid not needing to go to hospital

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I think my point is that throwing out stuff like that really isn’t something that twitter is designed for. It really needs a discussion group that then, once a concensus is made, formulate simple and clear posts on popular social media. It really is a social media problem. Such posts should be taken with skeptism imo. Particularly if following posts throw out unrelated data about N. Ireland. It’s just so far from reasonned debate that it has to be seen as ‘being the 1st to throw something out there’.

Maybe you are reading too much into it? I think he only means it as something of interest not as anything definitive. I would also say the NI data is relevant as it is about 80 yr olds & hospitals.

Personally I am not reading anything into it. It is not of any interest. That’s my point. Thought you might have understood that.

That would be cutting it quite fine wouldn’t it? 22 days for vaccines to become effective , then the 3 weeks for death lag. Didn’t the vaccine programme in the UK only stay in late December?

Not questioning that the death rates will come down, but questioning if this is in fact evidence of that.


I think that is a good question.

Could it be suggested that is due to lockdown finally taken full effect in the UK,where less saturation in covid cases are leading to a milder effect on people.

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We keep populating and Mother Nature keeps finding ways to peg us back down.

it’s not lost on me that this virus is most effective on the weak and elderly and sick. from a scientific point of view, it’s Darwinian natural selection. the strongest genetics will survive

could be but one of the other charts in the thread seemed to imply that the numbers for other age groups were rising.

In news that should surprise nobody, Johnson confirms during PMQs that “we’re going to have to get used to vaccinating and then re-vaccinating in the autumn”. There will be a cycle of vaccinations now for the foreseeable future as new variants emerge and the ability to vaccinate the entire planet progresses. It’s going to be like this for a few years, isn’t it?

What do people reckon? 3 years? More, less?

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Probably be an annual jab, similar to the flu jab.


Worldwide? And won’t it need to be more often than that if immunity is only holding for 6-8 months?

I was really wondering how long it will take before we’re able to innoculate the vast majority of the world against any geographically prevailing variant within the same 6-8 month ‘window’ so as to potentially cut it down to a problem that can be dealt with whilst recovering a more ‘normal’ existence.

Can someone remind me how the Spanish flu pandemic ended?

Ok, just checked and it appears that it mutated into a less virulent form but stuck around as the seasonal flu virus which then itself develops strains/mutates occasionally into more deadly forms. It seems likely that this is what we must hope happens with covid-19, no? That we prevent as many people dying as possible until such time as it naturally mutates into a less deadly version?

It’s all part of the “Plan” to keep tabs on us,Gates microchips need re-charging every 6 months(not true)

Can we volunteer to jab people?
I have a list of people that I would like to jab.

Now that the US is going to participate in directing funds to the COVAX scheme (it wasn’t under Trump) does anyone know how much it is going to contribute? Despite the huge sums already promised from around the world their remains a significant shortfall

is that a sexual innuendo?


If you want it to be :kissing_heart:
Shall I add you to the list :laughing:

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Wooo~~~ temptations