The Corona Pandemic

i wouldnt stress.

i have no idea why magnus sees the lack of pages as an issue.

post 123 is post 123 regardless…if anything its easier.

@magnus, i always just go top right corner, unread threads, and go from there.

what you are complaining about isnt a problem with the forum, its a human not wanting to change!!!

not having a go mate as there are plenty of things i dont like simply becuase they are a bit different, but this particular complaint, seems odd, given its actually more suer friendly.


In the first 3 days of this week 513857 jabs.


That is your opinion. I dont see why it is more autoritative than mine and I am not ancient and normally against “change”. I also dont understand why you think it is more user friendly. Regardless, if you want to continue this discussion then I suggest we go to another thread so we dont clog this one with a back and forth discussion on this matter here.


all good mate, not worth taking further, i wasnt trying to insult you, just talk you into having a more positive additude about the current layout.

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I hope she gets a lengthy prison sentence.

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Is feasible political speak, for nailed on certainty?

773.099 until yesterday.


just another day in the exciting life of a Covid Spike Protein


Uh oh, cases starting to go up again in the UK… more than 3k cases per day since five days, the highest since mid-April. A third wave about to start, despite all the vaccines? Some seem to think that is the case…

That would be utterly disheartening after all the efforts made by everyone in this country, in terms of vaccination…

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I’m not concerned. The vaccines and the warmer weather will trump opening up and the Indian variant.


Like the flu (yes I know COVID is not the same) it probably will never go away so people will get infected but due to vaccination less and less will get infected and/or wind up in the hospital or intensive care. The majority will shake it off after a week or so.


Germany - 30 days ago we had an average of 18,500 infections a day. Now it’s 4,200.

Lots of things are opening up, so there’ll probably be a rise due to that, but hopefully not serious.

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It’s also worth bearing in mind that no other country of equivalent size tests as much as the UK (approximately a million tests are done every day) so you can be certain that the UK identifies more cases (including asymptomatic) than pretty much anywhere else.

The most important number is hospitalisations and they’re still relatively low.


Are you sure about that? We have to test in order to go to restaurants (even outside), hairdressers etc. There is a lot of testing going on here.

Yep, the UK has tested 3 times the number that Germany has - 181.5 million compared with 60.5 million.

Per capita the UK has conducted 2.66 million tests/million compared with 0.72 million tests/million by Germany.

Or, the diminishing restrictions will create increasingly new variants many of which will be immune to the vaccine.