The Corona Pandemic

I particularly enjoyed his interview with Brian Cox, in which he said he’d seen a paper that said Octopusses are aliens.

Brian dealt with it beautifully, saying he hadn’t read that paper, but it was very unlikely as Octopusses share the majority of their DNA with other life on Earth, but his face looked like he was thinking “what the fuck are you talking about?”

Hang on. So eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and avoid processed foods high in fat, salt and sugar is now bad advice?

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That is not quite the governmental / health advice that has been given over the last 40 years.

This is a typical food pyramid used that has majorly caused the obesity epidemic.

For optimum health benefits -

Invert the pyramid so that carbs become the smallest food group not the largest. The goal being to reduce / remove the carbs and sugar and in so doing reduce insulin levels in the blood. Carbs are sugar, sugars are carbs. Eat as many vegetables as you like excluding the starchy ones. Eat fruit sparingly as it is high in fructose - especially tropical fruits.

Increase calories from fats and proteins - now proven to have substantial health benefits. (saturated fat has been found to protect the heart not damage it) Eat 2 or 3 meals a day - the goal again is to reduce insulin spikes caused by sugars.

I know this seems contrary to all the information given over the last 50 years but the evidence is now irrefutable. Look at the damage this food pyramid has done - the evidence is clearly visible. in every country that follows the “Western” diet epitomised in this food pyramid.

This is probably not the correct thread to go into an in-depth discussion on diet ( although obesity does play a huge part in morbidity from coronavirus) Happy to discuss it on any of the other health threads and provide more links etc.

To me anyway that message didn’t really come through from government here. It was all vaccine roll out and of likewise the same message that it helped prevent serious illness. I’m also pretty sure transmission was mentioned or least hampering the spread but I’m sure someone will correct me on that. I suspect that Delta may have changed that. Also worth mentioning that opening up as we have done along with those messages has lead to apathy across the population of which many now think they are invincible against the virus.

Nearly 200 died from it yesterday. Personally I still think we’re a long way from beating this yet.

This issue really winds me up to be honest. One for another topic perhaps. The food industry has a huge amount to answer for.
I’ve listened to the Rhonda Patrick podcasts with Joe Rogan. She has some fascinating views on the role of gut health on our overall well being.


The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.

Terry Pratchett

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@BigJon I would love to discuss with you over nutrition to see where we can find common ground.
It is evident that the food pyramid is based around promoting certain products of the agro-alimentaion industry. I mean how they pump fish and milk is a disgrace (Milk even has it’s own box ffs! :crazy_face:
Perhaps the ‘to your health’ thread (is that where we have already written on this?).


There are so many “independent” studies sponsored by food organisations - usually the sugar industry.

It’s like Phillip Morris sponsoring a study into the effects of tobacco.

I’ve just lost over 3 stone doing exactly this. Works very well for me.

I agree with your basic premise but it does concern, even bewilder, me that I am getting friends who despite double vaccine are testing positive (PCR) and some are getting ill. One guy I know in his mid 70s has moderate cold type symptoms and has tested positive. He spent a day with his son (40+) who has previously had it, is double jabbed, and now also has symptoms and has now tested positive again. My wife’s friend and her husband have both, for the second time had symptoms, and tested positive again after having it last year.

So being double jabbed doesn’t guarantee you are not going to infect other people…

That is brilliant.

The problem that all such diets and dieters have, is keeping the weight off using that method.

Have you ever seen a “Biggest Loser” reunion show? No. Because 99% of contestants regain their weight and usually add more. Calories in v Calories out is not a sustainable lifestyle - you either have to keep cutting calories or increase exercise forever. You are fighting your bodies internal set weight and one way or another the body usually wins.

95% of calories in v calories out type of diets fail in the long term. How many times have you lost weight only to regain it in the months and years afterwards?

Remove carbs and sugars from your diet and you will not have that problem. Stop the insulin spikes and you will probably maintain your new weight long term.

And this from the NY Times

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My recollection is that transmission was never part of the subject in the UK. There has always been two messages from the government with regard to the benefits of getting jabbed: to save lives but also get back to normal ( which Brits read as ‘foreign summer holidays!!1!’).

They were careful with information released, which is helped by their strong relationship to the ‘trusted’ BBC.

No-one could have known how effective the vaccines were on transmission five months ago so it’s difficult to provide a message on that with such low data confidence, but also I dont think it’s possible they missed the pattern in vaccine clotting risk - tens of deaths and they didn’t see it?

I know if for whatever reason my brother, who had a brain hemorrhage when he was 11 /12 and therefore probably is at a far greater risk than the average person, was an early adaptor of the vaccine for whatever reason, and died, then I sure as fuck wouldn’t have been saying ‘well it was a worthy cause/ take one for the team’ if there were people higher up that knew about these increased risks.

Some of those lives would have been saved with guidance and warning signs to look out for, and the same information being given to GPs. The question then becomes if the government had notified the public earlier about the clotting risk, how would that have changed the vaccine rollout in the early days?It’s easier to give into fear if you see a tiny risk of clotting from a small vaccinated population than a small risk in tens of millions vaccinated.

Sure I’m making a big accusation about them holding back information, but I’m talking about the Conservatives here. Pretty much any accusation directed at them isn’t it of the reasons of possibility.

A neighbor had this. He caught the virus and despite being vaccinated was floored for 2-3 days. And I do mean floored. Unable to get out bed. His partner had decided not to get the vaccine because she considered herself healthy. 3 weeks to get over it and still has some after effects. Their little one may or may not have caught it (no tests as far as I know) but showed no signs of anything other than frustration at being house bound for 2 -3 weeks.

That’s a short sharp shock, a more deliberated plan could work a lot better, slowly changing diet. This dieting culture is nuts as it’s never ending so just feeds the companies that push them.
Difficult for me to comment as I am one of those lucky ones that don’t put on weight easily, then again I have never taken snacks unless exercising. Most fat people I see in supermarkets are eating what they are buying whilst still filling their caddie. :crazy_face:

And the companies that produce the “Diet” foods also sell you the foods that make you fat. Its a fantastic business model.

dr seuss GIF

i HAVE to see this.

Cox is a class act.

he was on an australian show called Q and A which discusses any given topic in a panel format…(mostly politics which i cant be arsed with) but when he was on it was about climate science…the way he dealt with the climate sceptics on the panel was classy…he didnt belittle them, lecture them or patronise them…he went out of his way to explain the science…there was a moment he showed some weakness and threw out an awesome put down, but in general, he held himself exactly how a scientist should…not with a ‘greater than thou’ additude, but with a genuine intent to explain the CURRENT science on the matter.

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Q&A: Brian Cox schools Malcolm Roberts on climate change science | — Australia’s leading news site

starting Sept 28, if you want to go to a public venue here then you MUST have your vax passport. two week grace period for showing your vax card starting on Monday Sept 13, but the digitally-scanned passport will be in effect for end of month here in BC.

Warped mindset.

imagine my shock to be watching highlights of a Championship match from Aug 21st and nobody in the stands is wearing masks. Sheff U vs Huddersfield. looked like 75% capacity in the stands too. absolutely baffled by this.