The European Union

Give me the address where you posted your answer! :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:

At what point did I suggest a military response?

And to clarify, the EU was set up as a trade block. It was bastardised into something else and sovereign states were cajoled and coerced into decisions by Euro super powers.

But once again, you understood what I was saying but decided to give a different understanding of it.

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I can see Tory MPs looking to set up energy companies soon.

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Good idea. It’ll take a while to phase out the old ones though.

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Yeah, my daughter visted me the other day. 1st thing she said was I’ve left my charger at my brothers (my son’s place). I said I’ll look in the box, took the massive box full of chargers and spent 5 minutes looking for the one that fitted just until she pipes up and says I’ve found one. I look round she has MY CHARGER in her hand. I said ‘Oh! I didn’t thinkl about that one as your telephone is a samsung and mine is a Xiaomi, I thought they would have different chargers’. She replied ‘Oh! that’s strange 2 different manufacturers using the same charger at the same moment in time’ … you get the drift we yapped on about chargers so long she forgot to charge her telephone. :rofl: I did have to make sure she didn’t go off with my charger, worst than lighters these damn things are, people ‘borrowing’ ending up stealing them!

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I assume the UK will diverge to a new 3 pin version of the USB complete with an inbuilt fuse?

Seriously,are they stating that Apple must use the same charging system as Android phones?

Why not?

It’ll be hilarious watching Apple squirm :wink:

Indeed. I’m not an Apple fan boy at all.

Who gives way?

What if this hinders progress? I do much prefer USB-C connections so all good, but what if this stops there from being something better in the future?

USB-C and Apple Lightning are in different leagues. Unless its changed recently, Apple lightning operates at USB2 speeds while USB-C is USB3/USB4. So from a technology POV, USB-C is the clear winner here. I realise the EU and Apple don’t exactly get along so its funny also in that sense (fuck Apple).

If anybody has looked at 4K monitors recently there are ones where gigabit and all USBs connect to the monitor and you have a single USB-C cable that you can connect to a laptop that is feeding multiple 4K monitors (daisy chained with USB-C), all peripherals, LAN, and charging the laptop. Gone are the days of a spaghetti of cables to connect devices.

I don’t know if USB-C on the USB4 standard is out yet, but with USB4’s support for multiple 8K monitors via DisplayPort 2.0, the throughput is there and USB-C is certainly the most futureproof. I think the massive downside to going with the Apple cable, even if they moved to a newer USB standard, is that many/most laptops have moved to USB-C for fast charging and peripheral connection, which is obviously significant with how working arrangements have changed over the last 2 years. Apple Lightning really has been left behind, regardless of how many people in the world own Iphones and Ipads.

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In any case, Apple has moved to USB-C for some of their newer iPads.


Hence why you need a zippo with personal engraving.

I went with “Fuck off you theiving bastard and give me back”

Amid all the other terrible news around lately, it’s easy to overlook the small matter of the return of fascism in Italy…

Seems to be a world wide thing these past few years. Trump, Johnson etc. all coming into power. France nearly too.

This is a huge blow for liberal democracy. We are facing a situation where in two years there may well be a Trumpist US president, meaning that all the major world powers will be autocracies. Europe, whatever you think of its deficiencies, is a vital stronghold of liberal democratic values.
We are now facing the prospect of the return of Mussolini’s party in Italy, which incidentally, was the first European country to have a fascist government. This is an existential threat to the EU, greater even than Brexit. If France turns fascist too, which is increasingly likely, the Union will probably collapse and dictatorship will triumph. This is not some doomsday scenario, but the most likely outcome of current developments. This is the most perilous situation for freedom since the second world war.

The collapse of the European Union is a likely scenario, given the increasing diversity of the political landscape…

Or…the development of a military/defence alliance grows. This could be exacerbated by the actions of Putin, in the next couple of years rather than Russia’s current actions in Ukraine.

All predictable because this is what the EU does.