The European Union

Agreed, it is a line sometimes parroted by the non-serious branch of the UK media and politicians who use mere slogans, and either Quicksilver and Kopstar who liked his post, has forgotten (which I find strange), never knew (this I don’t believe, none of them are stupid or usually ignorant at all, these are both very intelligent posters) or it just polemics for the sake of polemics.

I find all of this very boring, but maybe that is just me. In this thread I have seen really good people side with Hungary and Poland and their arch-reactionary and regressive nationalist policies, over the EU and it makes me scratch my head a bit. That the EU invokes such deep loathing is a bit strange really.

Good night everyone and have fun in the thread.


This was a trade agreement, and any changes were manifested through electoral coercion.

Secondly, this ruling will have future effect on criminal cases accross member states. If the advocates reccomdations are as expected, followed this will have ramifications for future cases.

Thirdly, most peoples phone data is of little significance to the police. Most people have at best minor misdemeanours to consider.

And at first glance a murderer potentially walks free because evidence is inadmissible?
Fairly cut and dried to me.

Thanks Mangus

Have a good night, man!

Edit: I am too tired, honestly missed the sarcasm/irony. Oh well, time to sleep.

Double edit: By the way, I wrote about people being both very intelligent and good for a reason, it’s because I mean that. I can’t fathom how anyone can say that the EU was, even in its earlier form, just another trade deal though. I am sorry if I was too abrupt, I am very tired and maybe I should have worded myself differently.


It should be pretty uncontroversial that the EEC (principally a trading bloc) has morphed into the EU (as much a political union as it is a trade bloc) without the majority of member state citizens having a say in that, or where they did that say being ignored/manipulated.


To be clear, whilst I find the EU interference in state politics an affront to sovereignty, whilst I still counter that the original notion was as a trade agreement…I am in no way in favour of the actions of Hungary or Poland.
State politics should not have governance by a central body like the EU, but that does not mean that we all agree with the actions of every state

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I side with Poland in the same way that I side with the German constitutional courts. Don’t follow the reference to Hungary.

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We really don’t.


Apparently there should now be a special EU intervention force. That would probably be an important step, especially for the countries that are not in NATO.


If we had an EU army, or an EU intervention force, what would it do in the face of Russian invasion of a non member state?

I doubt anything different than the current reluctance to engage in a war that is not “their business”. Similar to American reluctance to engage perhaps.

There is no worse idea than a pan European Army, save the notion of direct government from Munich or Paris or Madrid etc. As it stands, sovereignty and independence is compromised. Neutrality is a bygone word.

Russia needs to be halted, but an allied response should be a short term solution focussed intervention. Not the idea of building another monolith that will unavoidably grow out of control.


What do you understand by intervention force?


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Something like an intervention force maybe?


From the EU? A trade block?
NATO and or the US are not fetting involved, but neutral atates in the EU should perhaps?
And I know, not think that you knew what my comment meant?

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Irish neutrality, a long time dying is now officially dead.
And citizens of a sovereign state were not consulted on this.

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Google it.

We’ve been here before. The EU is clearly more than a trade bloc and has been since the nineties.

You wanted an intervention force and an intervention force is what’s being proposed, but you are determined to turn it into the third reich for some reason.

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