The Film Thread


It’s a film pitched as a female version of Superbad - horny teenage girls looking to get laid. Comedy targeted like that is often like more than a statement of " Look at me subverting your expectations of what a female can be. Ohhh, arent I daring being as vulgar as you boys" with noa ctual punchlines anywhere. That’s what this film was for 15 minutes. Eye rollingly so. Then all of a sudden it wasnt and I found myself laughing my arse off through the last hour or so of the film.


The best Superbad for girls, in my opinion, is Booksmart. It also has the benefit of being much funnier than Superbad.

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I’ve watched this in about 5 separate 15 minute chunks over the course of 3 or 4 months and still am not finished. The banality is the point and makes it an incredible, and I would say important, piece of art, but a crappy piece of entertainment

I watched it last year. and found it to be an amazing movie. As you say : the banality, the problems of a marriage and all the while constant silent noises from over the fence that make you realize how perverted the whole scenery is. I found it to be a film where the sound/noise crew ( don’t know the exact word ) contribute in an amazing way to the movie.


Oooops…subdued noises ?

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That’s weird. I don’t remember writing that and my memory of the film has changed over time.
I think of it now as a good film, original and unsettling.
That’s odd.


apologies guys, i cant see the movie you are talking about?

whats the movie?network?

Zone of Interest

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Watched the gorge last night, predictable yet enjoyable.

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I watched Dev Amorim Patel in Monkey Man. I’m surprised how much they got into what was effectively an Indian John Wick, but was disappointed that I thought it was more based on Hanuman than it actually was.


That’s what was my first expectation as well. I thought he’d have some superhuman abilities.

Barbara Broccoli has announced that Amazon is taking over control of the James Bond franchise:

I can understand that she probably wants someone to take over the reins, but I’m not sure that Amazon is the right company. They own MGM, so it does make businesses sense, but I don’t know whether they will respect the quirkily British nature of the films.

This has been a long running battle ever since the MGM acquisition. Broccoli retained an unusual degree of control even afterwards and did so because she strongly resisted the push to “expand the franchise” believing it would be damaged by over exposure and angered the Amazon brass by resisting it. Now she’s finally caved expect 2 or 3 bond related TV shows to get immediately red lit none of which will be any good


Henry Cavill to star?

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Possibly. She was supposedly heavily involved in picking them and the fact Cavill has been touted for the role for 10 years and not got it suggests she wasn’t on board, which is now seemingly irrelevant

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Looking forward to a prequel trilogy, 4 new spin-off shows a year about minor characters that no one cares about. An alternate universe story where Bond is the villain and a show that needlessly tries to explain why Bond’s appearance changes so often.

Oh and probably some show where they all have superpowers for no reason.


I’m just hoping the next Bond is not white and He Who Must Not Be Named has a stroke.


(Not sure Henry would be any good…he’s too likeable.)

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