The German Election

Yep, already walking back the Schuldenbremse reform stuff, apparently his own party and the CSU weren’t amused. Sondervermögen is what the old coalition did to finance Bundeswehr spending instead as well. But that requires 2/3 majority too.
Like I said, money, money, talk is cheap.


Anyway, just 2 days, not even in office yet, no coalition talk and this is already looking a bit chaotic. But we’ll see. The man has never held a public office in his life, so I guess he’ll learn on the job.


I wonder what the odds on early elections are

Seems due to the, seemingly irresponsible, political play from the SPD.

What? Mitgliederentscheid was always going to be the procedure. That has nothing to do with anything that was discussed. They did the same thing for the last Grand Coalition with Merkel. They’ll do coalition talks and after they’re finished then the members get to vote
Also, Merz can blackmail with the AfD, the SPD is supposed to just roll over for Mr 28%. Right.


So time is not critical and you can wait until easter ?

Or did I misunderstand you ?
Because that sounds beyond idiotic to me. So I have to check if we are talking about the same thing here. To stall now, when this is so incredibly important to get done tomorrow, seems outrageously irresponsible and personally I would never forgive my own party for it.

Europe doesn’t have time !

You’re mixing up two issues. One is the coalition talks. That will take time. That’s what the SPD members will vote on, if the talks are succesful. Easter is the time frame that Merz suggested btw.
The other issue is about Schuldenbremse or related to that, ‘Sondervermögen’, both of which need 2/3 majorities they might have in the current Bundestag, but not once the new one is in place - that’s where they would have to act quickly if they want to get something done.


Thank you.

I had hoped a couple of days ago, when there were such rumours, that the Debt brake could be taken care of now in an emergency session in Parliament under current outgoing regime.
I understand now this is highly unlikely.

Also, I got to say. My German is really
not the best. So when I skim a German article, I sometimes misunderstand important details. If I spent 25 min on it, I would probably understand everything, but I don’t usually have that time to spend when I skim an article.


From all that I have read about German politics, it’s quite the sacred cow, isn’t it? I doubt they would roll over on that that easily if that were the case, but I’m also rather uninformed on German politics.


They have 30 days time to get the Schuldenbremse done. That will/could happen imo (including Greens) , nothing to do with a member vote on the new coalition. The tweet is a bit misleading.


Yes, because CDU/CSU have apparently decided they don’t want to try that. Instead they are now floating the ‘Sondervermögen’ idea, exactly what Scholz did, which is another way of funding that sort of works around the Debt brake for a specified reason and needs 2/3 majority as well. It’s really more of a technical thing.
But the debt brake is the holy cow for the CDU. Not the SPD or the Greens, just to make it clear, they’ve been saying all along this needs reform in light of the challenges we’re facing.


Merci pour l- Entschuldigung, danke fĂŒr die ErklĂ€rung!


Thank you all, kindly.

I appreciate it.

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Since there were a lot of protests and demonstrations against the right before the election, the CDU now wants to look into whether funding for non-profit organizations can be cut. Personal ego and revenge seem to be the most important things at the moment. We call it “beleidigte Leberwurst”.

They call it :Minor Inquiry (only) 551 Questions



Sigh. Maybe if he wants to be chancellor and that quickly to get shit done it would be smarter not to burn even more bridges? Shit like that isn’t helping with the SPD base he needs now.


This is fully in line of what I expect from this pathetic clown to be honest: it comes right out of the Trump book of how to to be the perfect little populist.

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