This is what we in Europe need to discuss now. US election is now no longer important. Done deal (but of course the discussions on the afermath of that galactic disaster will go on forever obviously).
The German election is going to be very important for all of us.
I would very much like feedback from all the Germans we have here.
Those of you who read German politics, which constellation seems most likely ? CDU +Grüne + FDP ?
In the Bundestag, you need a majority and this is what we have now:
Fuck the FDP. I doubt the Greens would work with them again.
Red, Black, Green most likely, although there would be differences, at least they all believe in Democracy.
Feel free to embroider this from you personal pov.
Even though it’s an illusion? 
It’s an ideal which is worth striving for. It’s not perfect, but the alternative is despotism.
Impossible to say atm, might see a lot of change until March, when the election will likely be and especially when you have parties so close to the 5% threshold. Most likely won’t need 50% combined. Right now I’d say a grand coalition (CDU and SPD, like we had in most of Merkel’s time) is most likely, but again, way too early.
I also think that a grand coalition will be the most likely outcome, nobody likes these governments but I will gladly bite into that sour apple cause it means AfD and BSW will be kept away from power and from coalition talks.
Tending to the conservative side in principle it hurts me to watch CDUs behavior in recent years. I found and find it disgusting and very wrong that the Green Party was declared the main enemy in the past by CDU and especially by the CSU. I don’t like the Green Party very much, but I respect them and I do not have the slightest doubt that they stick to the rules and regulations and spirit of our constitution. Declaring them to be the main rival/enemy and not the AfD is disgraceful, just disgraceful.
Will Merz be able to hold together a coalition with the SPD?
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Can this be pushed to the world politics thread.
It’s not a dig at anything. Its just too many threads around.
Merz - in my opinion - is the wrong man. The most popular man among CDU followers maybe, but as he was on the forefront of advocating this stupid stance of declaring the Green Party the main enemy I doubt his political wisdom. Günther in Holstein and Wüst in NRW have working, smooth and effective coalition-governments with the Green Party and they would have been my favorites.
His stupid remarks about being middle-class and his Black Rock past are two more reasons for me to be unhappy with him.
I dont trust him to have the backbone to hold a coalition together for long.
It’s always an illusion though right. The illusion of choice.
Keeping the masses happy thinking they’ve got a choice. Wherein they really haven’t.
The so called neoliberal values.
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Oooh, so edgy. And also a bunch of bullshit. Imho.
So let’s all pick an individual leader and scream “Heil”…
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Don’t really have an answer to that.
It’s pretty much the same case with right wing idiocy in India as well. Atleast the “supreme vishwaguru” modi took a hit last elections.
But the world as such is trending towards right wing populism.
On this we can agree : the world seem to get shittier day by day. Makes me not being sorry about being old and having no children.
The alternative is right wing populism.
A slew of well publicized populist moves mainly geared for getting votes from the majority.
This is what Modi’s done before Trump made it mainstream.
Is there any chance at all that they drop the FDP and enter a coalition with the CDU without elections?
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Cant see this happening.
CDU feel being on a high, SPD wouldn’t accept being the Junior in a coalition with them and then there would still be the problem of the Green Party : now ruling together with them would make the CDU lose a lot of credit with their following.
The FDP is definitely out of the coalition and so we have a minority government right now.