As expected, CDU/SPD and Greens have come to an agreement after negotiations. The debt brake will get an excemption for defence spending like in the original proposal, but now also includes exception for intelligence/secret service, cybersecurity and civil defense (excellent imo) and the Sondervermögen instead of 500 billion just for infrastructure, 100 of those will be spend on climate related measures (also good imo).
That means this should now pass in the Bundestag.
The Bundesrat (Bundesländer = federal/state level) will have to agree too though, which will be interesting as well, given the complicated coalitions in some of the states and the other parties involved there.
I’m curious as to what the climate related measures are. If it includes help with home improvement measures (solar and heat pumps etc) it could have a huge positive knock on effect for the economy.
Afaik, the concrete measures what to do with that climate/energy fonds will be down to the new governement and legislation.
Btw, that Russia First (aka BSW) recount didn’t change much and nothing in terms of the Bundestag. What’s Russian for Karen?
TRUMP? Perhaps
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