The History Thread

I may reach out thanks. Most important question - Liverpool fan bars? I found a place called the Magnet bar last year which was a good football supporter bar.

[quote=“Bekloppt, post:279, topic:1204, full:true”]
Let me know if you need any info. I’ve lived there for 31 years.

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Magnet bar stopped cooperating with the OLSC for some reason. I think they mostly meet at Tante Käthe on Mauerpark.

Ps Checked, yes, Tante Käthe is the official LFC supporters bar

Pss Sorry for detailing the thread


Thanks mate great intel. I will head there on game night.

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I follow an account on Instagram that colourizes old photos which I find fascinating. It brings people to life somehow. I have colourized some of my old family pics and they look great.

This one is Tromso allegedly 1875. What do you think @magnus


I think it is very lovely and also realistic. I see one glaring mistake that looks a bit obvious to a Norwegian but very understandably not so to an Englishman.
You see, it is very rare to find red roof stones of burnt clay on old Norwegian houses, we have an abuandance of difference kind of stone instead.

I am almost certain that grey “skifer-stein” was used and that it would look like this and not burnt clay like the red stone on your picture (I really doubt it is burnt clay, I think it is this:

Because this is the stone we have used the last centuries along the coast.



Is that you in the background? @Magnus :wink:

Could that be a mistake from the colouring process of the photo rather than the actual roofing colour?

Yes, I think so.

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More importantly, did the blokes wear skirts and have huge saggy tits?

He is a Sami man wearing his traditional work cloathes. He can hide an axe in that thing probably :rofl:

However, most of us Norwegians are not super comfortable making fun of them and it’s not a good subject for banter really, due to difficult history. It’s a bit like mocking large noses of Jews tbh. You know many Jews of a certain etnicity have a strong characteristic nose, but due to history, it’s not something you should really make very much note of unless you want to get in trouble and be potentially quite misunderstood.

That’s interesting you can identify him as likely Sami just from the pic. Is it just because of the clothes? The way my Finnish friend talks about them is kind of like how the people of Winterfell spoke about the wildlings beyond the wall.

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