The Inequality Thread

Thought I’d ease my way into the forum with an uncontentious first topic which I’m surprised hasn’t surfaced here yet…

From reading the BBC story, it appears the regular goalkeeper was dropped in place of a transgender goalkeeper and some of the original goalkeeper’s team mates opted not to make themselves available. It will be very interesting to see how this one progresses regardless of how you feel on this issue.

As your first topic on a LFC forum you choose culture wars?


I read the story on the BBC Football site and came here to see what the reaction to it was. Topic wasn’t here, so I posted it. As I said with my tongue in cheek opening line, starting off with something uncontentious.

Someone’s going to fit right in.

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Anyway , topic best pushed to other discussions as this is a factor in other sports as well.

Even though it’s specifically in relation to a recently abandoned football match? Figured this would be the best place to post it.

Just to be clear, I’m not posting this as some kind of wind up and trying to kick off a major argument. I read the news story earlier and genuinely thought it was a very interesting topic, as to me at least, it’s the first time I’ve read about transphobia within a team.

However, as I’m new here, if this level of debate is too devisive, then @Mods please delete this topic as it was not posted with then intention to cause trouble.

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I think it would be better added to the existing equality thread.

If this is the appropriate place for it, then can you please move it? Thanks.