The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

Sometimes you need to let go and the pain the suffering needs to stop, sometimes it’s a very painful decision to make but sometimes it’s best to part and remember the good times…

Anyhow I thought about this a lot since I saw this

Bit shit to be fair if it’s all true but it’s Twitter.

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Customers, not fans.

Putting fan rivalries aside, that is pretty shit way to treat such a loyal supporter


The Glazers are not liked in the Tampa Bay area for nonsense like this.

A friend of mine’s family have been Buccaneers season ticket holders since inception of the franchise, and when he had an issue a couple years ago, they told him to take it or leave it.

They are very very arrogant. Their attitude is “We are the NFL / Manchester United. We are the big dogs. You are not. We will do what we want.”

Contrast that with John Henry and FSG. They have made mistakes, for certain. Some of them pretty clueless. But they are classy saints compared to the Glazers.


Yep. They definitely want Salah.


That cannot be serious?!? He doesn’t even have the ball playing ability, let alone being flat-footed. Surely the net effect of this will be that Ten Hag will never listen to Fletcher again?

It also replicates the error they made with Phil Jones that basically ruined him as a player.

Perhaps they don’t want to take a bath on more wasted money by cutting him loose? Who would buy him, and pay those wages? Big losses there, so maybe they are convincing themselves about another way out of their Maguire predicament.

Fletcher can see, like we all can, that playing Maguire nearer to their own goal is a boost to the opposition. So stick the big lump in midfield, where arguably, he might damage them slightly less?



It makes me think this has been spread by someone wanting Fletcher out.


Or someone wanting to cause shit between Ten Hags and the rest of the staff causing more misharmony

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Oh yes, give me a bit of that.

Bobby do to a job on Maguire for 90 minutes.



It’s odd because even giving the benefit of the doubt that he could play the role, that does nothing to address their deficiency. Say what you will about McFred, but ball winning isn’t their problem. It’s just a bizarre idea that surely cannot be true. In fact, if you told me this was a lie told to a suspected leaker to flush them out (colleen rooney style) I would be more inclined to believe that than I am inclined to belive this idea is being considered.


Not promoting PP…but the response from the player (I guess the Twitter account really belongs to MvG?)


Yep that is the real one :joy:

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Personally, I don’t think £11,000,000 was enough.


Reports out now that even before Ralf was able to do a formal debrief with Ten Hag, the Dutchman told his new bosses he didnt want input from him, not now and not on an ongoing basis.


Fuck 'em :smiley::+1:


They have been glazed, nice and sweet on the outside, decaying on the inside.


Interesting. Just wants to form his own opinion then. Or has already done so.

With all the Ajax links, it seems like he doesn’t have much faith in what’s been going on there in terms of collecting intel on potential targets. And also that he’s very particular in what he needs for them to play like he wants, and wants to know exactly what he’s getting. Which is fair enough, given how quickly a manager at a big club gets judged by media and fans. But I can’t help but think it seems a little rushed.

Plenty of red flags with Ten Hag. I’m not impressed at all with him since he has been at Utd…(don’t know much about his time at Ajax)


It’s not necessarily the wrong decision, and you can justify it any number of ways, but it is at least suggestive of being the opposite of the distributed sort of leadership they were supposedly trying to get to. By all means, if Ralf was out of his depth and had nothing to add, then cut him out, but he seems that hes being treated as an easy scape goat. Is his utter failure to get a tune out of the group relfective of him or the dysfunction that exists there?