The Middle East Thread

NYT provides a bit of context here to the recent Israeli strikes in Damascus and Lebanon and the Israeli incursions in the West Bank.


This is at the heart of Israel’s opposition/hatred for UNRAW. Not only the Israeli decision-makers claim that the Palestinians uprooted since 1948 can’t claim any right to their ancestral home, the Israelis feel UNRAW is keeping that hope/claim alive by providing sustenance to the refugees.

At the beginning of the war, some Israelis came up with the narrative that instead of working to give the refugees a better life by relocating/settle the Palestinians in other countries, UNRAW is holding them back and keeping them in poverty (such bleeding hearts).


A week for it to be just reported :rofl:


A bigger mandate for UNRWA would have solved more things.

The whole problem with UNRWA is that there’s no positive movement of the Palestinian independence issue during their term and it’s essentially an organisation now which depends on the whims of US (mainly) for funding. And US more or less has Israel’s back.

At this point , as essential as UNRWA is for Palestinians, it’s a handicapped organization with a limited mandate. And one which has its flaws which need to be addressed.

going into the topic of extremists infiltrating UNRWA. There’s a high possibility that it’s happened already (would be very surprised if that wasn’t the case considering Israeli actions would lead to radicalisation of the Palestinians etc). Israel is using this particular discourse very effectively.

I think there’s only two ways forward for this.

One for UNRWA to decrease its footprint (w.r.t employees on ground , outsource the goods etc to Palestinian organizations if need be , lesser overheads w.r.t employee salaries etc should in theory atleast lead to more material support at the ground level). Also would decrease the chances of a UN employee directly taking part in a terrorist attack.

Either the above OR , UN should have an increased mandate for UNRWA. Maybe working in tandem with a multinational peace keeping force of sorts too and with definite goals and more accountability.

The current UNRWA system is broken , majorly because of a lack of will among the international community to commit anything more to this.

Probably because it is empty.

Seriously??? :exploding_head:

Hmm, wonder what the US would do if Canada decided to classify this as an attack and invoke Natos’ defence pact?

Tell us they will hit the beaches in the second wave, probably.

this fucking clown? surely you jest

Don’t know anything about the guy to make personal comments, but was thinking more along the lines of Canadian government as a whole deciding to act in a way that triggered Nato’s defence pact and how would the US then act being in Nato, but also being Israels biggest ally and protector from the rest of the world.


Given the way the Western governments have reacted to the killing of the WCK volunteers, there would have been some condemnation and some threats.

Good to see Australian Foreign Minister finally getting more vocal on a Palestinian state at last night’s NSC dinner:


Netanyahu caught lying for effect:

Sorry, I know this isn’t really impotant and that it doesn’t change anything. But maybe someone finds it interesting.

I no longer think it is likely that Iran is going to act in an official capacity due to lack of signs of preparations. I can go back to being depressed over the world letting Russia slowly win due to complete lack of interest, which will herald all sorts of interesting future scenarios (in the Chinese manner) probably not going to be a conflageration in the ME in the coming weeks.

Maybe one day there will be some sort of political solution to the horrific Gaza crisis as well. In a few months hopeully. What a fucked up state of the world.

JT is a liberal pussy, he will bend to the will of whomever shows him the $$$. the faster this country gets rid of him, the better.

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Worth a watch

My respect for Norway just soared by several notches :norway: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Israel believes about 30 of the remaining hostages are dead, which would leave about 100 still alive, including 91 Israelis or dual nationals, eight Thai citizens, one Nepali, and one French-Mexican national.