The Middle East Thread

I think you are being unfair to Al Jazeera. They are being both authentic and in-depth, for this conflict that is. They are one of the very few who has reporters on the ground. Several of them have been killed already.


They do some good journalism. But the fact that they are owned by Qatar doesn’t make them neutral.

It’s not a deal breaker for me , I do read their articles but it’s there at the back of my mind that I won’t take everything they say at face value.

My attitude to BBC is the same too.

And yeah, they are one of the sources I rely on to provide some vital information on this conflict.


Oh fuck. Guardian is reporting that Israel is currently carrying out a massive attack in Syria.

“They used to fire warning shots – they’d hit near the truck, our guys would get out of the truck, and then they’d hit the truck,” the commander said, describing Israeli raids on arms transfers handled by Hezbollah before 7 October.

  • the unspoken rules of the game no longer in force. But this attack on Hezbollah logistics is actually better than the looming invasion of South Lebanon, just not clear whether it is a preliminary measure or an intermediate alternative.

Oh fuck, another Hamas leader killed in Lebanon :see_no_evil:

One doctor who wrote to me stated that I should be ashamed and that he was embarrassed to be my colleague. A former schoolmate with whom I hadn’t spoken in more than 40 years told me on social media that he never wished to see me again and that I should enjoy my time with my “UN friends”. And it goes on.



Please listen it. Nothing new that we already don’t know, but still it’s so tragically detailed.

Most of the bombardment happens at night, but the ambulances can’t operate at night because they will be targeted by the Israel. The several hours of delay in bringing the injured means the critically injured are already dead, the moderately injured become critical, and conditions of the lightly injured become serious.

They are Israeli supporting scum.

I would say that was one of the two great missed diplomatic opportunities of that era, the other being the discussion of climate at Gleneagles in 2005. Once Blair left, the US reverted to type, and nothing was achieved. As with March 2002, by the time anyone went back to try and pick up the thread, something had changed.

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:see_no_evil: :laughing:


Germany :de: really isn’t helping itself

The Federal Government rejects the accusation of genocide made against Israel before the @CIJ_ICJ. It is unfounded. In the main hearing Germany will therefore express its position as a third party. We continue to support the work of the ICJ as we have for decades.

— Steffen Seibert (@GerAmbTLV) January 12, 2024

Which of the accusations are unfounded :thinking:

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I won’t expect any of NATO and the allied countries to acknowledge Israel’s actions as genocide.

These episodes (along with Russia’s crimes in Ukraine) show the moral bankruptcy/ hypocrisy of most of the countries.

SA is just a puppet being used by Russia and China to deflect from Russia’s actions in Ukraine. And they are hypocritical too. Not a word was uttered by them during the genocide in neighbouring Zimbabwe , now they seem to have grown a spine.

Oh and their attitude is like , hey Israel , instead of killing Palestinians and forcing them off their land, follow us in depriving minorities of jobs and have quota systems that ensures that they flee the country out of their own will.

Russia speak - “Atleast we aren’t as bad as Israel and the allies that support them”

I caught a bit of Israel’s rebuttal argument today and was unsurprised to hear them condemn SA as supporters of Hamas for having brought the charge. This is the same kind of shit that they have been smearing all their critics with for as long as I care to remember. It’s one thing for their ambassadors and spokespeople to be able to shout down journalists on news programmes with this nonsense and dictate the narrative , but it’s quite another when they pursue the same tactic in an international court of law and expect to be taken seriously. This reckoning has been coming for a very long time and , regardless of how the court rules , the fact that the nation whose own tragedy created the crime of genocide now stands accused of the same thing is a stain that will never wash.


is “kill the boar” still a popular chant in South Africa?

asking for a friend…

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100 days

  1. Turkey has bombed Kurd bases in Syria and Iraq (maybe unrelated)
  2. US and UK have bombed Houthi bases in Yemen, twice
  3. Israel has bombed places in Lebanon and Syria, and more than once
  4. 24,000 killed in Gaza
  5. Nearly two million people in Gaza have been displaced and mostly without a proper shelter
  6. Only a few hospitals are operational
  7. Food, medicine, and fuel supplies are extremely low and uncertain
  8. Nearly 130 Israelis are still hostage

The build up to the Herero-Nama genocide in Namibia, perpetrated by Germany started on 12 January 1904. The absurdity of Germany, on 12 January 2024, rejecting genocide charges against Israel and warning about the “political instrumentalisation of the charge” is not lost on us.

— Monica Geingos (@KalondoMonica) January 13, 2024

Monica Geingos is the First Lady of Namibia :namibia:

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That is deeply unfair. No country has done more to learn from its past crimes than Germany.

You don’t seem to understand the levels of complexity in the German/Israeli relationship. It is almost impossible for a German to criticise Israel without the horrors of the Third Reich being brought up. Of course the Israelis exploit this, but for all Germans the guilt is overpowering. That’s why they try to wash their hands of anything to do with the region.


I would agree with that. But it’s also time that Germans let go of their guilt. The current Germans shouldn’t be judged by the actions of their previous generations. It’s time that Germany decides to call it what it is and not be dictated by the actions of the past.

They should be aware of what their folks did , doesn’t mean they shouldnt be ashamed of what happened. But this cannot be an albatross for the lunatics in Israel to exploit.