The Middle East Thread

Baluch separatists has been clashing with Iranian forces for a few months now.

And Pakistan can ill-afford to get drawn into a conflict with Iran with their issues (both foreign and domestic).

Their economy is very very weak , almost a failed one. They are having troubles with Afghanistan and the India - Pakistan relations aren’t chummy too.

True. But for Iran to attack another Country and a country which is rather close to their Ally is perplexing. Militancy is an issue as well , but why risk a Shia - Sunni sectarian war when the Muslim world is rather United in their hatred of Israel.

I think Iran is targeting low hanging fruits without getting into confrontation with Israel or the West.

Will be interesting to see what China makes of this. I get the feeling that Russia is more close to Iran than China is to Iran. It’s a weird alliance (if the word can be used there)

The deal between Iran and Saudi was brokered to by China.

Iran has a strategic alliance with Russia. Pakistan has an even more indepth alliance with China as well. This could lead to one of the two (Iran and Pak) being held out to dry.

India doesn’t factor so much into this, for a change atleast. It’s nice to have some other country deal with the Pakistani headaches.

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Every government needs a good old war to save their world!

Jordan :jordan: has reportedly carried out air-strikes inside Syria :syria:. What’s their pretext :man_facepalming:

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A very long piece

With scarce attention and efforts even for the Palestinians in the occupied territories, the Palestinian refugees are long forgotten. Even the exact number of refugees has become ambiguous. As of January 2015, UNRWA cites 5,149,742 registered refugees in total, of whom 1,603,018 are registered in camps. Jordan (over 2 mil), Lebanon, and Syria combined hosted over 3 mil Palestinian refugees. Many Palestinian refugees have fled Lebanon and Syria due tot he economic crisis and civil war respectively.


I would be genuinely surprised if Gaza was that much better than Sabra or Shatila before this particular conflict. I will have to read that.

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You might be right there. Gazans had a pretty wretched life but they did have aid agencies etc working there to provide some relief. The other places you’ve mentioned don’t have that visibility atleast.

Plenty of other places with abominable living conditions which somehow escape the notice of the public as well. Especially in Africa

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I’ve been to some of the refugee camps in the West Bank. ‘Camps’ is the wrong word as they’ve been there for generations. Awful conditions. Cramped, claustrophobic, nowhere for kids to play, totally reliant on Israel for intermittent water and electricity. On the hills in full view of the camps are beautiful settlements with swimming pools, built on the land their forefathers owned

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Shatila is fairly similar, ‘camps’ conjures up images of tents or communal buildings, but the people live in permanent buildings, though of rudimentary construction. Somewhere between 10-20k people living in one square kilometer, with water and electricity drawn from Beirut but over inadequate infrastructure that was never planned to be permanent.

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Some very revolting scenes. An wounded and unarmed person killed in a burst of bullets, Israeli military vehicle driven over a body on the road. :man_facepalming:

Now that Netanyahu has finally said the quiet bit out loud and left the Americans in a state of near disbelief , Thomas L. Friedman gives us the lowdown on how we reached this point and on Bibi’s ongoing machinations to keep himself in power and out of jail.


…and yet, US/Biden acts like the unapologetic, protective father

There are a number of types of two-state solutions. There’s a number of countries that are members of the UN that … don’t have their own militaries. And so, I think there’s ways in which this could work.

Is this guy even real :man_facepalming:


The more I hear and see if American politics the more I’m convinced it’s Lord of the Flies x100000000000

Can’t do superscript or the number would be bigger

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