The Middle East Thread

Alexei Sayle did a podcast a while back about being the “wrong type of Jew” and I know he has been at the forefront of having people denying his ethnicity.

TBH, I hate that (the No True Scotsman fallacy) and I absolutely despise epithets that deny people their ethnicity, for example “coconut” to describe a black person who isn’t deemed black enough.


Egypt is threatening to suspend its peace treaty with Israel if Israeli troops are sent into Rafah, and says fighting there could force the closure of the territory’s main aid supply route, according to the Associated Press.


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I found this extract of the article terrifying:

Germany has proscribed many criticisms of Israel (such as describing its treatment of Palestinians as “apartheid”) and banned many expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The main targets have been Muslims, but Jewish supporters of Palestinian rights have also been deplatformed and arrested. According to the researcher Emily Dische-Becker, almost a third of those cancelled in Germany for their supposed antisemitism have been Jews. There is, as the Israeli-born architect and academic Eyal Weizman has acidly put it, a certain irony in “being lectured [on how to be properly Jewish] by the children and grandchildren of the perpetrators who murdered our families and who now dare to tell us that we are antisemitic”.


Ditto. I was actually going to highlight the last sentence to preface the article but didn’t want to skew anyone’s opinion before reading it.


Israel and its supporters across the world are a cancer and they need to be radiated.

No, Netanyahu, not Israel. Unfortunately, he is heading for stage IV and metastatic.


How are you going to provide safe passage to 1.5m people when the entire Gaza is a war-zone? Where are you going to shelter 1.5m people when the entire Gaza is reduced to rubbles? You can’t push them into Egypt, Egypt has built barriers and massed troops to stop that.

Quite right. Apparently, Netanyahou has been facing important demonstrations again, asking for his resignation, and they will only improve in numbers with time going by. Latest polls show that he has only 15% of the population left behind him. The other 85% want to see him go. In other words, he’s politically dead.

When he’ll fall, it will hopefully open up a door for a political resolution of the conflict, which has been cruelly absent ever since he took charge of the country. This guy is a stumbling stone to any political resolution, and needs to be quickly removed.

It’s also interesting to note that Hamas have love lost any kind of goodwill from the Gazean population. No surprise there, they are being fed to the wolves, while the Hamas bosses are well-sheltered and have all the food they need. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of them shortly end up with their heads on a spike.


I think you are too optimistic. Unfortunately it’s not just bibi; the politic is now poisoned beyond repair without some radical change

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I had made a conscious decision to avoid the actualité of what was happening in Gaza simply because there’s only so much pain and suffering that I am able to process.

Since the ICJ preliminary ruling I’ve become more involved once again. I never thought they’d get a ceasefire but what I did hope for was for Israel to take its foot off the gas now that they have serious legal exposure and mounting international criticism of their actions. The obvious hypocrisy of foreign governments now seemingly so distraught at the prospect of civilian deaths isn’t lost on me , neither is the fact that it only came now that those governments might find themselves complicit in a genocide.

Netanyahu’s most recent bravura media performances pronouncing the imminent destruction of Hamas and a promise to provide safe passage to the innocents are , on their face , preposterous. I too had thought the use of the ‘g’ word was hyperbole , but no longer. I had also gone from being quite militant about the Palestinians’ right to achieve their independence to being so horrified about Hamas’ attack on Oct 7 as to be stunned into silence and fatalistic about the Israeli response and what it meant for any future settlement.

With the impending catastrophe that is about to be unleashed in Rafah , barring some kind of diplomatic miracle , my overiding emotion is once again one of anger towards Israel and hatred for the one single person who has done more than anyone on earth to bring about this near apocalypse with his total refusal over the past thirty years to accomodate a resolution with the Palestinians , solely in furtherance of his own political career. The fact that most Israelis now realise that he doesn’t give a fuck about them or the country is of scant condolence.


As numerous commentators have said, Netanyahou is buried the moment the war is over and that’s exactly the reason he has no intention of ending the war. What’s more, he is still enjoying the unconditional support of the Western countries even though they are now freaking out at the level of atrocities.

I tried to think of one, but found none. The world is a truly dire place.

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According to several people who know the situation very well (ie. Elie Barnavi, historian and former ambassador for Israel in France), Netanyahou is now on his last leg. In fact, he has no leg anymore. Nobody, not even the worst dictator, can rule with only a popular support of 15%. Despite of the ongoing war, he is now facing protests again in Israel as we speak. And the support of the Western states is still there, but the tone has changed, and you can’t see them supporting this much further, because it would be supporting a genocide.

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I would be gobsmacked if an alternative direction emerged in the Israeli politcial discourse.

There are plenty more arseholes, just as odious, waiting in the wings.

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I’ve stayed away from this thread for a while as couldn’t listen to some people try to equivocate or explain the slaughter.

We are about to enter the final stages of a genocide. No one will have the right to act surprised or shocked, like they did after Rwandan genocide. This has been happening in full view for months, supported by our own government and the so-called opposition.

In the future people will look back and wonder how the international community allowed this genocide to happen. And individuals will have to examine their own conscience and ask what they did or said about it at the time


Biden’s appearances and messages have become really comical. He keeps mumbling something along the line that Israel has to ensure safe passage and allow aids to reach the Gazans while even his allies (Egypt and Jordan) are just freaking out.

He has an essentially impossible political problem. The Senate just voted to support more aid for Israel, sending precisely the opposite signal while his Administration is trying to broker a ceasefire to prevent the attack into Rafah. Netanyahu can essentially choose which ear he wishes to listen with.

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The headline/title is misleading. The story is mostly about diversity and discrimination.

yeah. Israel needs more aid.

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It really infuriates me when people mentions safe passage or humanitarian corridor. Meanwhile…

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