The Middle East Thread

It’s more than half. The entire population is indoctrinated with colonialism, racism and hatred. There are some amazing peace-makers but few and far between


But I don’t see anyone in Israel protesting against what the government is doing. They are protesting about Netanyahu not bringing the hostages home, but those protestors are not demanding a ceasefire so that the hostages can be released. They want the government to take stronger action in order to bring the hostages home.

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There’s loads of footage online. One example:

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Even now, I don’t believe that majority of the Israelis are racists or terrorists. My grievance, and to some extent my anger, with the Israelis lies elsewhere.

Israel isn’t like Russia or Saudi Arabia. They have the opportunity, and hence, the responsibility to make good decisions. But this lot has been electing Netanyahu since 1996. Don’t forget how he riled up the fanatics that led to the murder of Robin.

It’s not even naivety when they keep electing the same scumbag over nearly three decades. It’s, at the very least, irresponsibility and very much approaching complicity. They knew what Netanyahu is doing to the Palestinians. They didn’t just turned a blind eye, they enjoyed the fruits of his labor.

Israelis have to take responsibility. They have been hiding behind Netanyahu for too long. They can blame Hamas. But they aren’t delusional. They know they had empowered Netanyahu who was instrumental in creating a hell for the Palestinians.


And that’s the crux of it really. Since the Oslo Accords and Rabin’s assassination, Israel has been on a steady trajectory rightwards which has brought us to the point now where a gang of racist , religious extremists are the only thing standing between Netanyahu and a prison sentence. The genocide in Gaza is a direct consequence , and even if it hadn’t been countenanced / approved by the broader population before then it certainly is now. That one man could lead a nation down such a path of self-destruction is scarcely believable , and anyone naive enough to think that he is going to listen to the voices urging restraint against Iran clearly hasn’t been listening. My bet is that he sees a wider conflagration as his ultimate saviour and will act accordingly.

Or assuming more than half want Labour in, just because they want to Tories out?

Thanks to our anachronistic First Past The Post system, you don’t need the support of the majority to form a government.


It’s the regime. Ditto Iran. Countries controlled by strict religious beliefs are always going to be problematic. No logic to their medieval beliefs and no logic to the policies. I can never understand how the more “religious” the regime, the more they are ready to go to war. I thought the basis of religion is to love your fellow man, but then I am a heathen/infidel…


The real poison is when any form of religion is allowed to control politics. Whenever that happens nowadays, the concerned country will find itself in shit creek very rapidly. It might have ‘worked’ during the Middle ages, but certainly not in our complex and challenging contemporary world.

It could be argued that it’s the other way around. Hypothetically, religion is pure and politics corrupts.

But I’m too drunk to have that conversation.

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Faith might me. Organised religion is more “kill the unbeliever!”

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And probably the wrong place to have it as well. But would you like to live in a repressive and untolerant theocratic system like Iran or SA?

I for one prefer to live with my laic politicians who still have to regularly present themselves at elections, even if I know that some of them are corrupt or semi-corrupt.

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I don’t believe you. :wink:

You don’t have to believe me.

But if you know what happens in my mind better than I do, you should think about getting your own TV show.


Soviet Union and America failed to bring Afghanistan to heel.
It’s a whole new ball game in the world of conflict when your enemy craves martydom and you crave life preservation

You like good Bordeaux, don’t you? Pay attention to the Ayatollahs, they are coming for you… :joy:

Being @cynicaloldgit

0300 is morning :roll_eyes:

Politics is a way to shape the world in the direction you’d like to see. For religious people, of course their religion is going to have a big impact on how they engage in politics, at least in regimes where they get to have a say. In regimes where the people dont (or least not a real one), how many of those that are theocratic were voted in? How were they “allowed” to control the politics of their country?