The Middle East Thread

Funny how people who have been the targets of multilateral genocide hold grudges like that…



Yes, exactly. Apparently, SDF and their Iraqi brethren have been committing atrocities for a decade.

The YPG have been brutal, but between the Turks, ISIS, Iran, Assad’s Syria and Hussein’s Iraq, it is not hard to see how they got there. About the only people they don’t have a grudge against are the poor Yazidis.

About 3,660 Palestinians being held in Israel are under administrative detention, according to Addameer. An administrative detainee is someone held in prison without charge or trial.

Grabbing as much land as possible before they are forced to stop.

Grab 10 miles, let go of 6 miles and they still have 4 miles.

The international community is happy that they got Israel to stop , Israel would still have taken over 4 miles though claiming security issues etc etc.

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On another disturbing note, some analysts/commentators are claiming that Jordan and Saudi Arabia allowed Israel to use their airspace.

Jordan almost certainly did, or at least turned a blind eye to ‘turning circle’ violations. Saudi Arabia would be more of a surprise, simply because they have far more to lose than to gain. Perhaps also a blind eye on their part.

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I wonder why Palestine has initiated this move when they know US (along with UK, and France) will veto.

I like this guy. A rare sane voice among the cacophony of madness.

Because they’ll be out in the open.


These countries will have to explain their stance of not wanting Palestine in the UN.

And the more they explain, the hollower those explanations will be to the citizens of those countries. This continues to put pressure on the leaders of those countries.

That said , Palestine can be a member of the UN if and when the boundaries are defined. As of now , it’s two regions with highly changing boundaries(due to Israeli land grabbing). The crisis of leadership w.r.t Hamas and Fatah would be clearly seen. Recognising Palestine as a country indirectly means recognition of Hamas as a valid government organisation. Unless Israel releases political prisoners who can come together to form a govt independent of Fatah and Hamas , there won’t be any movement on this.

The Palestinians trapping the UNSC members in that position only embarasses the UNSC members and doesn’t make them revert their stance.

The onus of forming a credible govt should be on the Palestinians as well. The more they close ranks around Hamas , the more difficult it is to get them their country.

People have been stripped off not just the necessities but their dignities too.

I think the Hamas card is played by Abbas, the West, and Israel just to stop the Palestinians from having a legitimate leadership. Even at its peak Hamas supposedly had an approval rating of below 50%. Remember, this approval is based purely on Hamas vs Abbas situation. There are still many other Palestinian groups who as secular and progressive.

Hamas isn’t part of the PLO which Abbas dominates, and PLO too has done fuck all for the Palestinians. Abbas/Fatah are consolidating power with the help of West, Arabs and Israel.

Makes sense.

Both Hamas and Fatah use the Palestinian cause as a means to get rich.

It’s not the first time something like this has been done.

Again goes back to the attack on Israel, by launching an attack with this magnitude , you get the feeling that the unwritten agreement has been broken.

Israel is targeting radar sites in Ishafan (I am not sure that is a radar site, min you, but I assume so at current), radar site in Syria and radar site in Iraq (US confirms 3 Israeli missiles hit Ishafan, in Iran)

I suspect this to be a precursor for an intricate, more difficult and unfortunately powerful, aerial strike on Iran.

Also reports of explosions around Natanz. Obviously, as many know, Iran’s nuclear program is located, at Naranz and Isfahan (and also elsewhere, but Natanz and isfahan are the two largest sites, I suspect, though I haven’t googled it for a couple of years really), but like Mike says above, too early to point to nuclear sites having been targeted, but obviously it looks rather bad at current.

But I am not going to monitor this, I am off to bed. Someone else can use adequate OSINT and news sources and post if this (which it probably will) heralds something far larger. And how will Iran respond. Just today, they gave a diplomatic missive through the Swiss to the US, detailing that if they were struck hard, they would answer significantly harder than previously.

Very interesting all of this, in a Chinese sense of the word.

Ok, it’s kind of hard to run to bed when all of this is happening, so might as well share another tweet: