The Middle East Thread

Will be telling who’s voted against or abstained.

Argentina :argentina:
Czech Republic :czech_republic:
Hungary :hungary:
Israel :israel:
Micronesia :micronesia:
Nauru :nauru:
Palau :palau:
PNG :papua_new_guinea:
USA :us:


Given the sense of proportionality that IDF displays, I expect wasp nests to be nuked as we move forward :joy:

United Kingdom abstained. Fucking wankstains.

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I found it surprising that Ukraine abstained.

I thought if any country would understand Palestines plight it would be a country that is also currently facing it’s own invasion

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Probably Ukraine is trying to make a point, given Israel’s war has diverted attention, resources and support from their own war.

If that is the case (and I sincerely hope it isn’t), then it’s incredibly childish of them.

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US support is key to the Ukraine, my guess would be more strategic. Ensure alignment.


I think Ukraine are more or less disgusted with many of the strident voices willing to criticize Israel but not Russia, and at the same time there isn’t a vote there that doesn’t cause them problems. If they vote against Israel, they lose even more US support at a critical time when no one else can really make much of a difference. If they vote with Israel, they alienate a huge bloc. It is a no-win situation for them.


So did Germany , Sweden & Finland and other countries too

Push comes to shove , they aren’t willing to commit to having a line that’s too far from what their overlord (US) demands.

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Not surprising.

A country which is dependent on the largesse of US and it’s allies for survival isn’t going to risk offending them.

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That is of course not the case.
Ukraine has far more important priorities than a political vote that is in any case going to be vetoed. It’s own survival for one…

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Surely this would add weight to the war crimes case currently in the ICJ, no?

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Cry Me A River GIF by GIPHY News

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Can a country be kicked out of the UN if they act like big enough cunts?

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No, because that would make the entire UN antisemitic.


Not if they’re kicked out for being murderous warmongering cunts.

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If Russia dropped a nuke on Ukraine they would still retain their membership , and their place (along with their veto) on the Security Council.

It’s a funny old world.

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Another excellent piece by Jonathan Freedland:


Well, most of the European countries abstained. Of the 34 countries which abstained or voted against, 21 are European.

Actually, I’m more surprised that Sweden :sweden: abstained. They are the only western European country to have recognized Palestine.