The Middle East Thread

Iā€™ve been invited to a lecture tonight, to be given by an IDF reservist. The idea is he will give a first hand eye witness account from living on a kibbutz with his young family, next door to those aggressor Palestinians, to help people get behind the news they see on tv, etc.

I am not going, as it seems like clear propaganda, but part of me is wondering whether or not to go in order to get stuck in with some difficult questions. Itā€™s not a student location and the expected attendance will be very pro Israel.

Fascinating that Israel is doing this sort of thing in the Midwest of America, no doubt trying to shore up support for the final act of the shitshow in Gaza.


Iā€™d go, if I were you.

Iā€™d then ask him if he thinks that genocide is a fair response to the Hamas atrocities of 7th October.


Yeah , Iā€™d be going too.


You would be branded as an anti-Semite, or worse.

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This morning in western #Rafah: families have moved as far west as possible, now reaching the shore & along the beach. Today awoken by navy shelling.

Inland in Rafah is now a ghost town. Itā€™s hard to believe there were over 1 million people sheltering here just a week ago.

ā€” Louise Wateridge (@UNWateridge) May 14, 2024

Sticks and stonesā€¦


Iā€™d live with that. But thatā€™s me


ā€œLook how many police officers are here,ā€ he said. ā€œWhere were they on October 7? A force like this could conquer Lebanon. I feel no differently toward them than I do toward the terrorists of the Nukhba [Hamasā€™ elite commando unit]. Iā€™m an Israeli citizen, loyal to the state, I do national service ā€” and this is what happens.ā€

Cunts :rage:

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Decent discussion of the tightrope act that Egypt has been forced into:


This is very significant. Gallant openly rebels agains Netanyahu. His words are very interesting and he also makes a hell of a lot more sense than Netanyahu, who seems to have no plan but to please everyone in his coalition:

Thread by @OrenCNN on Thread Reader App ā€“ Thread Reader App?

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Meanwhile, in the asylum part of Israel:

Itā€™s just babble and I donā€™t think Netanyahu decided on this tbh. But Smotrich and Ben Gvir did say those words of course, but they are delusional fascists, so I donā€™t know about how serious I take them.

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Wouldnā€™t be a bad thing if the Palestinian Authority do collapse. Probably thatā€™s why it wouldnā€™t happen.

Surprised that Benny wasnā€™t the one speaking out.

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Canā€™t find the link (WP/NYT) now, but I read a news that several Israeli soldiers have been killed by friendly fire in northern Gaza today/yesterday.

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Spain denies port of call to ship carrying arms to Israel

Spain has refused permission for a ship carrying arms to Israel to dock at a Spanish port, its foreign minister, JosƩ Manuel Albares, said on Thursday.

ā€œThis is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port,ā€ he told reporters in Brussels.

ā€œThis will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason: the Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace.ā€

Albares did not provide details on the ship but the transport minister, Ɠscar Puente, said it was the Marianne Danica that had requested permission to call at the south-eastern port of Cartagena on 21 May.

El PaĆ­s said the Danish-flagged ship was carrying 27 tonnes of explosive material from Chennai in India to the port of Haifa in Israel.

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