The Middle East Thread

Wasn’t that his son-in-law ? It’s probably the same though.

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Good to know that Putin does not support political assassinations…oh wait though :thinking:

I have no problem with this assassination. This guy knew what was going to happen on October 7. He probably planned it, and even if not, he was fully aware of it, and could have done something to avoid it. He got his reckoning, and won’t receive any empathy from me. As for these disgusting Mullahs, they can go fuck themselves. They have zero legitimity, and are a truly despicable regime.

If only Israel had done this as a rule: going after the people responsible of the massacre of October 7. It would have been perfectly understandable, and even backed by everyone.

Now, it’s of course completely different. After having killed 50k+ innocent civilians, children, elderly and women, and having transformed 2.2 million people into a horde of homeless, hungry and ill semi-ghosts, this has nothing but political cynicism written over it. Just when Hamas indicate a willingness to reach a peace agreement, or at least a cease-fire, they kill the guy who could have transformed it into reality. So, the war goes on, and Netanyahou gets his ways again.


How long until there’s an assassination attempt on Netanyahu?


Cretin is more useful to the war mongers (on both the sides) alive than dead.

Killing Haniyeh, or any other senior Hamas leader for that matter, is not the solution. Its another escalation.
And Hamas is not an organisation that killing one leader or two will do. Its an ideology. One goes down, 10 will emerge.
I don’t know why Israel doesn’t understand this. I can understand their anger at what happened in October and last week. But I still don’t think their efforts to address that is taking them anywhere near a permanent solution.


When a senior Hamas leader was killed in Beirut in January, a lot of people thought that was a body blow for Hamas. It’s been six months and they are still holding out.


Haniyeh is a big loss though. They might well have people who will step in but none who would have the same level of rapport with other world leaders that Haniyeh did.

Spoilers: there’s ample evidence that the Israeli government and military know this, it’s just that the people in power have an interest in stoking this conflict further.


Mossad should take him out for the good of the country. I’m sure they could find a willing Palestinian patsy in the West Bank who’d be willing to pull the trigger.

Someone else will replace him.

It’s as just futile as Isreal assassinating Hamas leaders.


a confirmation now. Just goes to show that Israel had the ability to take out Hamas leaders , That they chose to kill 50k Palestinians means they were out for collective punishment.


I understand your sentiment. But there two major/dangerous flaws in that line of thinking:

  1. It perpetuates the cycle of atrocities.
  2. It makes a martyr out of a scumbag.

Reading this thread from the time the conflict began would be interesting. A lot of people have said that this would be what would happen.

Israel’s moves are expected. They meant for this to happen.


By all accounts Haniyeh was on the more moderate side of Hamas. Like you say, a leader who could have secured a lasting ceasefire that would benefit Israeli civilians.

Always interesting to compare it the other way. Would Hamas (if they had the means) have been justified in killing Israeli leaders over the past 80 years? They have all inflicted far more suffering and death on civilians than Haniyeh did


Not that it’s something new or shocking…


“Taken out of context”



After the continual supply of reports from medics from all nations that children are being systematically targeted by IDF snipers with single bullet wounds to the head or chest, every other appalling war crime that Israel partake in is small fry in my mind.

The biggest disappointment in the last 24 hours is Biden again showing he lacks gonads: " if you attack X or Y, you are on your own". Also Biden: " oh, you called my bluff? Here’s a fighter squadron and some aircraft carriers."