The Middle East Thread

They’re the most moral army in the world the same way Fox News is “fair and balanced”

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There is a convergence of a lot of reports, from the United States and Israel (US Intel and White Hosue and ISR General Staff, that an Iranian attack may be (relatively speaking) imminent. I should probably mention it, I thought.

Even so:


Very odd wording. Sounds like they may have tried to escape, but I speculate.


I’m wondering if the US are negotiating another “attack Israel but don’t hit anything of importance” type response?

I don’t see anything happening before Thursday when both sides have to decide whether to accept the mediators ultimatum for the ceasefire proposal. If that goes tits up then just about anything is possible.

That has been going on for a while, I think. This attack, if and when it comes, will be so late that all relevant assets to defend will be in the area and online. Thats not by chance, I think.


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Another day, another IDF war crime. #7,929,393


Don’t let them silence the facts, Mr. Gillham!


“personal views”.

Words cannot sufficiently express my disgust.


“The MSO does not condone the use of our stage as a platform for expressing personal views”, it added.

What is a piano recital if not the pianist’s personal interpretation of the music? :thinking:


Don’t you bring your facts into this.


I’m wondering what the scheduled pieces were because Beethoven was not unknown to write political pieces. Sonata 26 was about the French attack on Vienna and would seem quite pertinent at the moment.


I think it’s worth remarking on the fact that the official death toll in Gaza has surpassed 40,000 today. US Intelligence estimates that only 14,000 of those were Hamas fighters which , obviously , means that 26,000 innocent civilians , mostly women and children , account for the remainder of the dead.

The UN’s human rights chief, Volker Türk says : “This unimaginable situation is overwhelmingly due to recurring failures by the Israeli Defense Forces to comply with the rules of war."

If a ceasefire were to be announced tomorrow , the hostages released , and the fighting was to stop , I still don’t see how that country ever erases the stain of what it has done.

Those responsible for this carnage will live in infamy forever. We can only hope that one day they might be brought to account for their crimes.


Striking the Bekaa Valley, Hezbollah’s stronghold, is unusual.

A relative of one of the deceased said that there were 18 opportunities (probably referring to ceasefire initiatives) in last 10 months to save the hostages. :clap:

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The New Republic is reporting that in their recent meeting Trump asked Netanyahu to ensure that any ceasefire arrangement takes place after the November election. Probably did not need to ask, because there doesn’t seem to be much danger of peace breaking out, but still appalling.


Does he think he’s Reagan?


It is sort of a conversation around which one was worse - having your fellow countrymen spend another 3 months in captivity, or having a population of hundreds of thousands of people you don’t like anyway continue to suffer through a war? The first has that additional element of betrayal, but for me the sheer scale of suffering makes this worse than Reagan’s delay of the release.