The Middle East Thread

Ingenuous by the Israeli agency.

Just shows that they could have done the same to Hamas but choose not to.

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How do you think they killed all those nuclear scientists ? Iran knows their security services are compromised but are unable to do a damned thing about it.


No, you can definitely produce significant explosions from lithium-ion batteries, and persistent fires. A medical device probably has orders of magnitude more safety circuitry and shuts off.

However, having seen a couple of segments of video, these would seem to be a little larger than you can produce with a few grams of Li

Unlike their policy announcements, which are somewhat disingenuous.

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The injuries, some of them, resembles shaped charges, very little heat. Experts are saying that if a battery overheat, you will feel it getting warmer prior to the explosion and the explosions, again, resembles hand grenades. I can show you pictures of damage if you want. We are talking about no heat, but very major wounds.
Threads (note who these people are, they are not random people):

I have seen many others too, who claim to have expertise in eplosives, who categoriclly reject the lithium battery theory as “nonsense”.
I myself have absolutely no expertise, but some sources I certainly trust much more than others.

I can show a video of detonation if you want. There is also the hospital video. Large holes in various people, missing hands, fingers. Now more than 500 have serious eye injuries as well (reportedly device was programmed to beep for several seconds before it exploded, so very many had the device close to their head when it went off.

Warning. This video is relatively ugly. I only post to show that the detonations have been akin to a hand grenade and seem to be from an explosive device and not an overheated battery.
Please use caution in viewing such material, it is not good for everyone to watch. I don’t get a psychological reaction from it, but you may.

(mind you when I say that I don’t get a psychological reaction from it, I usually never watch such videos to the very end, and I have also not watched all of this one, simply because it’s not necessary; as I usually cut it for my own mental health when I think I understand what is going on).

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No, the some of the video now shows something rather more forceful than the fireburst pattern you can get from an overheating battery - faster and just more volume.

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Yeah, the detonations I have seen have no flame or next to no flame. But force, it’s more like a small handgrenade without splints and a bit less explosives too.

The Civil war is mostly frozen, but I would caution to think it is necessarilly over. I don’t necessarilly think it is. I follow

He reports assassination and small scale fighting every week.
And recently, Ukrainian GUR have been hunting Russians at Keweires air base and more. The most recent is this from only a day ago…

So it’s not over. It just not in the news and there are no longer general offensives to take territory and contact lines are frozen. But nothing resembling peace.


However, the idea that Israel can do this to all of their enemies, just as long as they want it and whenever they want, is asinine and uneducated (you did not claim this, I note). It takes a considerable operation to pull this off, since, you know, they actually will have to make their enemy buy corrupted devices from them :wink:
Israeli intelligence is very good, but it’s not as if they can just flex and then thousands blow up. It worked this time against Hezbollah, but I find the arguments that “oh, they could just have done this to Hamas” either uneducated or dishonest for several reasons (it’s not as if there was any political will in Israel to wait for 6-7 months after oct 7 to maybe pull off this kind of op for instance).
Pulling this off was very, very difficult and didn’t just take 3-4 weeks. First you have to plan it, (also get plan approved), then you have to infiltrate supply chain of the enemy with said devices, then you have to be sure they actually buy it; then you have to wait for them to distribute it;and so on. Takes time.


Some people claims that the attack was likely not meant to happen now, but in context with an Israeli invasion of Lebanon. But Hezbollah getting suspicious made them pull the trigger.

I have no idea, of course, what is true. But it sounds reasonably logical since we know that, although no Israeli invasion of Lebanon has been politically approved by the ISR security cabinet, they have been planning it, preparing for it, ever since Hezbollah started their shelling in response to the Israeli campaign in Gaza. One should note that politically in israel, it is a major problem that the evacuees from the north, can still not get resettled and return home, and this fact increases likelyhood of invasion in my view.

But we’ll see. I don’t know. I just read.

Posts like this fucking sicken me. If Hezbollah had done this in Israel, indiscriminately killing and injuring thousands of civilians, it would (rightly) be described as an act of terrorism


If you’d watched it you would see horribly injured children and maybe the discussion could focus on that rather than excitement over the technology used :pensive:


I have noticed. I also wrote than a 10 year old girl was killed. Of course some non-Hezbollah members get hurt here, some killed due to how ISR decided to just arbitrarilly detonate all devices, not caring where those with devices are located or if children are besides a Hezbollah member. I am aware, WeeJoe.
I am not a cheerleader for Israel.

If you had visited the Ukraine thread, as there is a much larger war there with vastly more casualties, you would have noticed that I very rarely mention the civilians who get hurt, just sometimes to remind people of the ongoing horror. But it’s not what I choose to focus on, as that is what Mass Media does. I tend to try to focus on what Mass Media doesn’t focus on but I find important (and Mass Media overwhelmingly only focuses on civilian casualties, no one who reads western MSM only, have any idea as to what is going on in the war) or what they miss (unless it’s something that has just happened, in which case I talk about it).

The point about it being explosives or battery, is that it is actually important; as there are countless conspiracy theories going on and people are talking about their phones could explode etc. I think then it’s a bit important to note if it’s explosives or not.


Israel have killed and injured many more civilians than Russia have over the past year



Yes, if we only count only the year 2024, then that is correct regarding civilian casualties, as the Gaza campaign is much more focused in area and there is no safe place to evacuate to for civilians. But any attempt to make israel’s Gaza campaign worse than Russia’s invasion, is probably the best way to truly rile me up, since it categorically absolutely is not in any form or way true; so let’s not talk about that, please.
I also regard men (and women) who are mobilised to defend their country as people who are just as important as a civilian. Ukraine is not defending their country with an expeditionary volunteer force in some distant foreign land, it is human beings from all sectors and all segments of life, teachers, mechanics, grocery sellers, carpenters; all walks of life are dying there in droves. They are not less important as human beings and the catastrophical demographic situation in Ukraine is vastly worse than in Gaza (I assume everyone knows this ? If not, they really fucking should)

Anyway, I bid you good night, I always get a bad taste when I see insinuations that Russia has killed less civilians, so therefore whatever happens in Ukraine is some how less worse, despite the countless info available that it IS much worse.


If the truth riles you up that’s your problem. Four times as many civilians have been killed and injured in Gaza than in Ukraine since the start of Russia’s invasion.

Over 40,000 civilians murdered including nearly 16,500 children. More than 100k injured. The entire population is currently being starved. Every single hospital and school have been bombed.

What’s happened in Ukraine is terrible, but Gaza is worse by every single comparison uou could care to choose.

Equally important, though the western media wouldn’t have you believe that


I hope this doesn’t escalate into a series of posts arguing which is worse, Gaza or Ukraine?

Both are unimaginably awful for the people concerned, and both have the capacity to escalate to wider regional, or even world war.

I never imagined that would be possible in my lifetime, but it feels like it is getting closer.


I think the only way to pull this off would be with a coordinated attack and it appears some children got in the middle of it. Were the injured children related to the Hezbollah members? Probably not all but I guess the majority.