The Middle East Thread

Hezbollah affiliated (he isn’t a member, but he has very many friends and sources who are) journalist I usually go to to read about “inside Hezbollah” stories, have this today (which is filtered of course by his pro-Hezbollah stance, so can’t expect 100 percent facts obviously):

It’s surprising they haven’t taken out Nasrallah. I know for years he was beyond their reach , never sleeping in the same bed on consecutive nights etc. , but surely they have the ability to now. Maybe the creeping intensity of these targeted attacks is a warning to the man himself ; Stop the rocket fire or you’re next.

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I think that is much like with Haniyeh. A choice. He is difficult to find and far, far better protected than Haniyeh obviously, but I think they can do it and It is said that they have had the opportunity in the past. But the problem with taking him out is that it’s the final red line and from the looks of it, Israel isn’t interested in invading Lebanon properly. They are probably interested in a very limited invasion, maybe creating a buffer sone at most (they are looking for a victory and end to hostilities with Hezbollah eventually). It is very useful to have Nasrallah alive diplomatically since it can limit the escalation. It’s for much the same reason that Bashar al Assad is very much alive and “well”, despite everyone and their little homeless dog, bombing Syrian targets now and then and gives fuck all about Syrian sovreignty after 2012.

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It’s a view from the pro Hezbollah analyst