The Middle East Thread



It’s essentially a holocaust, just a bit smaller in dimensions. It’s insane.


@Magnus I always wondered why you didn’t post on the Gaza Genocide. Then again, we saw enough ghastly images even without your contribution. :sob:



I envy your generosity.

You saw it. I was not needed, it was all over the media. It’s just right now that Syria overshadows everything.

I watched the October 7 in real time almost unfold, I saw the first videos hamas uploaded. I knew what was going to happen then. There was absolutely no surprise for me as to how Israel would react to the October the 7th massacre. It of course meant real war, while Palestinians and many activists lived in the dangerous illusion of thinking it would be just a limited operation like Cast Lead. I knew it wasn’t going to be that, I was disillusioned, understood it was unsolvable for political reasons, and decided to not join the flame war that was raging here in the first weeks (some good posters were lost to it).
Then I noticed the hyperactivity of the thread here, noticed red lines from mods and people splitting into camps. I decided not to contribute, until later on, I have enough issues with 2 individuals on this forum, i don’t want or need more. And I did post later on, sporadically, and I think most who have read approximately know my opinion. But I am not interested in debate around very difficult issues with people who know far less than me on a forum such as this, if I don’t trust that they will listen or read up when I talk to them. The intellectual level isn’t always high, and when issues are difficult and sensitive, I get pissed off when people pander around misinformation or nonsense, and particularly if they do not retract. And this thread was honestly not very interesting for me, as I learned nothing new that I did not already know from my own channels. I followed the warfare in Gaza very closely, wrote about it too on twitter, not much here but else where, but my focus is still on the big war. And since I was kind of busy with the bigger war on my continent and Gaza was in the media daily (Ukraine certainly was not), I had to prioritise. Posting takes time. It’s absolutely impossible to post on Gaza, for me, as much as I post, or at least used to post on, the Russo-Ukrainian war. It takes many hours. I must have some resemblence of life. And I knew the Gaza campaign was never going to be short; again, dissillusioned with solutions.

Now, with the events in Syria, that is more my specialty. Rapid unfolding geopolitical events and I know Syria very well. I studied both conflicts in college after all and have followed, on and off, the Syrian Civil War since 2011. So of course there then was much I could contribute that others could not. Gaza ? I said a few times in this thread what I thought about how Israel is waging that, and the war itself has been covered by so many and in my part of the world, was covered with daily headlines. It was not exactly a hidden conflict. And it would have tanked my energy, so I said to someone who kindly asked me in a PM if I wanted to write about it; that “no, not right now, I want to stay away from that conflict on this forum for some time”. And so I did. Only so many hours in a day and only so much mental capacity in one human being. Covering a war takes a bloody toll. I don’t think everyone understands how extensively and how much stuff I must scroll through to post what I do. I only even post 5-10% of what I read that might be interesting. And I am only one person.
So super explosive conflict that starts with a massacre from one side, predictably leading to war and an entirely predictable enormous overeaction from the other ? Does not sound like a climate I would like to wade daily into . The Russo-Ukrainian war is rather simpler. The politics involved do not go back to 1948. It is something as rare as a modern imperial war of conquest from the last century, albeit on a very large industrial scale.

So yes. I hope the explanation is respectable. Dead tired anyway, so it is what it is. Unfiltered and raw.


Again, perhaps unfounded optimism, but this could be his moment to really cement himself as a hero, as someone who fights for all Syrians, by going in hard to defend the Kurds. If he does the latter, I feel as though he might just be celebrated for generations, would definitely do so much for the nation-building he claims to want to achieve.


I agree, but since October 7th, he goes from strength to strength to be fair, a demonic strength.

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Israel is going above and beyond the expected level of idiocy.

Not happy with expanding the buffer on the Golan and bombing Assad’s depots, aircrafts and navy remnants; we are now witnessing spectacular levels of idiocy.


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I wonder between Israel and Turkey (and their buddy Putin), who’s going to start WW3 first?

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As long as the Kurds are castrateted, ethnically cleansed from their ancestral lands and as long as Turkey controls northern Syria as an Ottoman satrapy:


Oh look, the Kurds getting fucked over again. Nothing to see here.


Yeah, suppose one could call it tradition :confused:

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Trump won’t care, Erdogan is stronger, Trump cares nothing about how the US used Kurds to fight ISIS and owes them a fucking lot, and Biden is worse than lame duck. Biden is a dead duck and will not make waves.

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So the executions have begun

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Also in Hama city. Public executions now of Assad officers:

It should be noted that this guy fed living prisoners to his pet lion and was a torturer of note.

Hama Now: Preparations for the execution of the criminal Talal Al-Daqqaq in the middle of Al-Asi Square after his trial.

This guy:


A long history of crime and torture of detainees


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