The Music Thread

No it’s not, thanks for sharing.

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Hans Zimmer did a great Job with the Interstellar Soundtrack. Best movie score ever IMO.

Will be posting more music from movies in the coming days.


Your post inspired me to make a new thread - Best Movie Soundtracks.


In honour of all NATO soldiers who died for absolutely nothing, were maimed for nothing, suffers PTSD for nothing, were divorced for nothing, as well as their kin; this Russian classic soldier song from the Afghan retreat. The lyric is strong, as they often are in these melancholic Russian soldier’s songs:

Defeat is bad, unnecessary defeat much worse.

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Disingenuous in the extreme to claim these were entirely innocent, and I expect you know full well what you were doing. We’re discussing the appropriate response at the moment, but for the time being my recommendation would be to stop posting homophobic allusions.

It’s not about the merits of the music or the band, it’s that you were posting it purely as a provocative act after the rent boys discussion in the Norwich thread. You wouldn’t have posted them if you weren’t smarting from that conversation, and it would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

Now I’d suggest we leave it there.

This is my favourite anti-war song - even though it relates to an historical war it is still so relevant to today.


Sticking with the futility of war…
This song is well worth a listen to for some of the lines in it alone…

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Just seen the news that Don Everly died


On the topic of anti-war ongs; here’s one of my favourite, lesser known ones



On a slightly different approach, I came across this

The flip side to Ryan’s argument is of course, that modern music is basically all the same. Much of what is in the charts today is all written around the same chord structure / progression meaning its basically become boring. Of course people are going to hark back to classics, because they are so much better than the same stuff churned out time and time again today.


That advertisement gets into BBC NEWS. This is what is wrong the whole thing is a pile of shit these days and I have no idea why.
France is a particular bog hole where music is concerned. Nothing decent gets past tiny clubs that attract 100 odd adepts.
The internet should have helped the discovery of music but any new platform proposing anything ‘new’, ‘different’ doesn’t even last long enough for me to get to hear about it (so much so I’ve given up looking).

Even the article itself just proves the opposite to what it’s plugging. The newer stuff is complete crap, the older stuff just a bit better. If that jerk wants hits then he should try writing something decent and different.

This is brilliant…
Now try getting that tune out of your head for the rest of the day

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Hopefully I’ll be getting plenty of satisfaction today if only I can stay awake long enough.

Maybe Ryan needs to write better songs - as you pointed out


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