The Owners - FSG

Purely from an interest perspective what percentage of our revenue (last published accounts) are our wages? Also how do we stack up against others.

We’ve built a pretty expensive squad and rightly so based on the quality if players we have and what they have achieved. Also worth noting that bar the odd exception (Thiago) most of them started with us on less. They have been rewarded through performances.

I see what you mean about relying on people being good. Your proposal is definitely better than directors and owners taking the money beyond the wage cap. Grass roots and other charities, run by an arm of the league, is a much better solution.

However, my view is that the money belongs to the individual player, and it is up to them to do what they want with it. They might be wise and noble and do good things. They might be stupid and blow the lot. Or something in between. But for me, that’s freedom for you! And the principle works no matter what I earn. I might be good with my money. I might not.

Taxation is the societal good/necessary function that we all participate in, to pay for things that are deemed good for the collective. But beyond taxation, I wouldn’t like people taking my money and distributing it, no matter what I earn.

Back to Mo… let’s imagine he plans to give £10M a year away. Arbitrary sum, just for illustration. Maybe he doesn’t want to give it to the league, as they have form for employing numerous fat cats themselves? Maybe he doesn’t want his money to go to grassroots football, as it is not his priority? Or maybe his preference is for his charitable giving to go to his homeland?

It’s a good conversation as the money at the top level is crazy, but on principle, apart from taxation, I don’t like the idea of people taking my money and distributing it.

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Last published reports had it at about 68% I think, up from 58%. That jump is pre new contracts this summer but largely due to covid lowering income. As revenues pick up should be back under 60% in no time as the club appeaecto have set that as a target.

We’re in good shape. Spurs and Utd are around lowest at around 50% . Can’t remember other clubs are around same or higher than us.

Is it revenues excluding players sale?

Makes sense I suppose. One is a commercial machine that makes money hand over fist, the other pays stingy wages by comparison to their competition.

I remember at one point not that long ago Everton were top of that list at something mad like 85%. The stadium will help them eventually but with match day revenue down and no European football to speak of you can see why they’ve cut their cloth accordingly this summer after a number of big spending ones.

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And we should see increases to sponsorship (shirt renewal is up in under 2 years), and the fruition of our Nike deal.

You could look at it in another way, if covid hadn’t of hit we would have had £120mil to spend :wink:


This guy?

Red Sox who hadn’t won anything since 1918, then won it 4 times in 17 year… Let’s face it we’d all accept winning the league 4 times every 17 in the current climate!


I think you have to put more context into that… I believe the Red Sox have won more World Series titles than any other club during that 17 year period (even if it is only 4 in 17 years).

In other words, they are arguably the top club during that period.


In my opinion, 4 times in 17 years wouldn’t be good enough in any climate. Despite the fact that we can’t compete with the petroleum clubs financially, we have proven not that only we can challenge but that we can win as long as the squad is adequately funded and the right decisions are taken.

Ending up with 4 more titles in 17 years would be good compared to the run of 1 in 30. But that would be setting the bar as low as it gets. For me we should be competing for honours in every year. And every year that fails to deliver silverware should be viewed as a failure. Particularly now that we have Klopp and Edwards at the helm, we should be doing everything in our power to maximise our chances to win.

Thanks, still quite high but that is the nature of the beast with regard to football clubs it seems. The comparison to United is one that I always find interesting as commercially they are a club we should be looking to emulate.

As per my previous comment, 4 world series titles in 17 years means they have won more titles than any other club in those 17 years.

It is the nature of the competition that more clubs have a chance to win the title in MLB. They should be commended for having won the most during that period rather than having criticized for not having challenged each year (when no one does in that sport).


I was talking about league titles, I’d expect us to be adding other trophies in the “lean” years.

Like it or not v’s the likes of City/Chelsea are going to continue to spend I think pretty much 1/4 of the league titles in a period is pretty good rate to be getting. Clearly I’d be aiming to win it every year.

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We’ve read these deep dive audits of FSG the past few seasons.

From a purely observational perspective, I would be interested in reading similar on Leicester over the past 5 seasons, from the time they won the league onward. The so called Big 6 finances have been beaten to death. I’ve always been curious how the ‘Next 6’ run.

@redfanman @rab and @Lowton_Red thanks for your information and responses. Yes I might be a bit pessimistic and yes the new stand and not having to invest any more in Kirkby and other stands could bring extra revenue to invest but we could only buy van Dijk and Becker after selling Coutinho.

So call me sceptical. BTW, I’m not against the road we have taken and far from someone who wants to spend just for the sake of spending but we could have used an other forward this summer.


You’ll get nowhere on here with polite and reasoned responses like that :grin:.

I have my own scepticism too. I’ve pushed for at least one, if not two more deals this summer but when you see the finances set out like that and listen to Klopp talk about how happy he is with the squad, I guess I just see the challenges, hope for the best and enjoy watching the best Liverpool side of my lifetime as much as I can.

Over a long enough time period the doom mongers will always be right. It won’t be this good forever. But that is the nature of truly competitive sport so I’ve learned to enjoy it the best I can.

And as someone else pointed out (sorry can’t find where the post is), one way to look at the accounts is we’re on an even keel despite the impact of Covid. If it wasn’t for the Covid losses, the model we run to would possibly have seen us £120m better off than we are.

Others have gambled with loans to replace managers and to buy players. We’ve gambled on keeping the guys we have. One of those is a lot more exciting during the transfer window but the other comes with a higher degree of certainty.


Just re-read the Swiss Ramble thread and he has this covered.


This is where it gets tricky I think because the way Klopp manages players ie as human beings, defo gets the most out of them on the pitch.

If we start looking at them as commodities like some clubs do, that are bought and sold at our financial interest I think it undermines Klopp’s style and we lose that personal element.

People want to play for Klopp for exactly that reason they won’t be uprooted and sold to the highest bidder when the club see’s fit if it isn’t the right fit for the player. Even if it means hanging onto a player longer than we want.

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From reading that Swiss Ramble thread on Liverpool, I’ve concluded one thing: Alisson should have been paid a bonus that is equivalent to his weight in gold for that goal at WBA. Playing in Champions League has never been more important, I’d say.

I’m also very curious to learn just how much money did club earn from the Nike deal. There haven’t been any news on that in a while, nor any estimates if I’m not mistaken. This is where the commercial revenue should see the biggest growth, I guess, I hope it’s as lucrative as club’s hierarchy expect it to be.


I know you’re talking about bonuses but the funny thing is that if players actually were worth their weight in gold the transfer fees would be a lot less (Alisson approximately £4m for example).


Except for Luke Shaw.